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Erasmus experience in Lyon, France

Why did you decide to go to Lyon, France?

Foreign experience.

To get to know the French culture from up close.


How long is the scholarship valid? How much money did you receive as support?

Around 3, 5 months.

What is the student lifestyle like in Lyon?

Good, many friendly and open people.

Would you recommend the city and the University of Lyon to other students?

Yes (not the University because I went on an internship).

What is the national food like?

Very recommendable. A dictionary can come in handy at a restaurant.

How did you find your accommodation?

Through an acquaintance. It was a student dormitory from Lamy Residence.

What are the prices of the accommodations like? And the prices in general?

Over 400 euros rent. However you can get an accommodation allowance at the CAF. Life is more expensive as in Germany.


Is the language easy to understand? Does the university offer language courses?

Before 2 language courses, and learning by doing. Knowledge of the language beforehand is very recommendable!

How can I travel economically from Lyon to your city?

Around 120 euros for a train taking you from northern Germany to Lyon (through Cologne and Paris). (It could be cheaper with Eurolines Buses)

Where is the best place to party in Lyon?

Vieux Lyon as well as Hôtel de Ville.

And to eat? Could you recommend a few good restaurants in Lyon?

As pubs I can recommend "James Joyce Pub" in Vieux Lyon and Ayers Rock at the Hôtel de Ville. To go eat: Look in the Rue Mercière!


Would you like to offer some more advice to students who might be coming to Lyon in the future?

Learn sufficient French, because not everyone you'll meet speaks English.

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