Things to prepare before going to Bydgoszcz

  1. Things to prepare before going to Bydgoszcz
  2. Costs of living in Bydgoszcz
  3. Save money in Bydgoszcz - Tips for living in Bydgoszcz on a student budget
  4. How to get to Bydgoszcz - Getting to Bydgoszcz by train, plane, car or bus
  5. Bydgoszcz neighborhoods - The most important districts of Bydgoszcz
  6. Accommodation for students in Bydgoszcz - Top tips and pieces of advice
  7. Public transport in Bydgoszcz - Getting around Bydgoszcz
  8. Nightlife in Bydgoszcz - Night club guide and going out in Bydgoszcz
  9. Where to eat in Bydgoszcz - Polish cuisine and gastronomy in Bydgoszcz
  10. Polish cuisine - The gastronomy of Poland and traditional dishes
  11. The best things to do in Bydgoszcz
  12. The best things to do in Bydgoszcz - Museums
  13. The best things to do in Bydgoszcz - Churches
  14. Where to relax in Bydgoszcz
  15. Cinemas and Theatres in Bydgoszcz
  16. Day trips from Bydgoszcz - Places to visit and excursions around Bydgoszcz
  17. Festivals in Bydgoszcz - Festivities and celebrations calendar
  18. Bydgoszcz In 2 Days - What to see in Bydgoszcz in 2 days


In Poland the currency is złoty (zloty or PLN) and 1 złoty is equal to 100 groszy. The exchange rate with the euro may vary a little bit, but usually for 1 EUR you will get around 4.30 PLN. Poland is considered to be a relatively cheap country in comparison with Western European countries, and the cost of living in Bydgoszcz is less than in bigger Polish cities such as Warsaw or Krakow. If you want to save some money, Bydgoszcz is definitely a good choice.

Documents required

If you come to Poland from an EU country, you will need your passport or ID card. If you are not an EU citizen, you may need a visa.

If you are an Erasmus student make sure to take your Learning Agreement with you. A European Health Insurance Card (EHIC, different names in different European countries, EKUZ in Polish) could also be very useful in case you need any medical support. They are issued free of charge and if you visit the International Office at your University, they will inform you about the required documents.


In Poland people speak Polish, which is a western Slavic language. Young people tend to speak pretty good English, however, from older people you're more likely to hear German or Russian rather than English. In Bydgoszcz you’ll find English and German signs and information at the bus and tram stops or at the main sights.

Here are some basic Polish words and phrases for you:

Polish English
Dzień dobry Good morning
Cześć Hello
Do widzenia Goodbye
Jak się masz? How are you?
Dziękuję/Dzięki Thank you/thanks
Proszę Please
Przepraszam Excuse me
Mam na imię… My name is…
Jestem z… I am from…
Podobasz mi się

I like you/I think you are pretty/handsome
Piwo Beer
Woda Water
Poproszę… I would like…
Jeden One
Dwa Two
Trzy Three
Cztery Four
Pięć Five


Bydgoszcz is located in the temperate climate zone, which means you have four different seasons. Summers are warm and sunny, but winters are cold with quite a bit of snow. Spring starts in March-April, followed by summer which lasts from June until August and then autumn arrives in September. The weather tends to be more rainy and cloudy in November, just before December, January and February come along as the winter months. The coldest month is January as the temperature is usually below zero. Very occasionally it can drop to -20 degrees, but the weather in Poland is so variable, that you can get completely different weather conditions in the same week or even the same day. You will certainly need an umbrella and warmer clothes for the winter (hats, scarfs, gloves and warm shoes).

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