Public transport in Bydgoszcz - Getting around Bydgoszcz

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If you live in a big city, using public transport is a must. Usually it’s not the easiest task to get familiar with other city’s transportation map, and it’s even harder if you find yourself in a foreign country which speaks a language you don’t know. But don’t worry, we have some tips prepared for you, so you will be able to travel around Bydgoszcz easily in no time.

Buses and trams

You should know that in Bydgoszcz the public transportation system consists of buses and trams. There are 10 tram routes and 35 bus routes. They are quite good and they connect to many parts of the city. Transportation in Bydgoszcz is quite cheap compared to bigger Polish cities. One of the most important transportation hubs where you can change bus or tram is called Rondo Jagiellonów.

How to get a monthly/semester ticket

To get your monthly or semester ticket, you need to have a Bydgoszcz City Card, which is called Bydgoska Karta Miejska. The card is issued free of charge. Once you obtain it, you can encode a ticket on your card. To do so you just need to use a vending machine or pass your card to the sales assistant at a kiosk. You should do the same if you want to recharge your card and encode another ticket.

Instructions how to get Bydgoszcz City Card you can find at the website: (you can choose English or German version). All the procedure can be done online.

Night transportation

During the night, there are a few buses operate, connecting major parts of the city with the city centre. The main transfer point is located at Kościeleckich Square, very close to the Old Market Square and easy to find. All night buses depart from here at the same time, so you can change the bus easily. Departures time: 23:15, 0:15, 1:15, 2:15, 3:15, 4:15 (and 5:15 only on the Sunday mornings).

Ticket prices

A single bus or tram ticket costs 3 PLN (1,5 PLN for students- around 0.35 EUR only!). You can buy one from a kiosks or from a ticket vending machine. You cannot change bus/tram when you travel on that ticket.

Other kinds of tickets:

  • 1-hour ticket: An hour ticket costs 4.20 PLN (normal) and 2.10 PLN (discount).
  • 24-hour ticket: 12 PLN (6 PLN reduced ticket).
  • 5-day ticket:34 PLN (17 PLN reduced ticket).
  • 14 day ticket:66 PLN (33 PLN reduced ticket).
  • Monthly or 30 day ticket: Probably the most popular ticket among citizens of Bydgoszcz. If you are a student you pay 46 PLN a month, and you can use any kind of public transportation in the city for 30 days.
  • 90 day ticket
  • University semester ticket: This costs 195 PLN for students, and may be the best solution if you are going to stay here for a full semester.

A little more information. You can check the timetables here. You can also access them on your phone. Another useful site to plan your trips is called “jak dojadę” - also works in English, which can be a huge plus. A map showing all the transport lines can be found here.

Public bicycle system

A few years ago Bydgoszcz introduced its own bike-sharing system, which is called Bydgoski Rower Aglomeracyjny (BRA). There are about 37 stations located all around the city, and the system became a huge success as it made it to the top 3 most popular public bike systems in Poland. It’s really easy and cheap to use. You just need to sign up on the website and pay 10 PLN (around 2 EUR). You will get a PIN number and login, which you use every time you want to rent a bike. The first 20 minutes are completely free; if you use your bike longer, then you’ll pay small amount of money (up to 1 hour costs 1 PLN). The system is available from March till the end of November.

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  • Continue to Nightlife in Bydgoszcz - Night club guide and going out in Bydgoszcz

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