Valencia, the Turia's City

flag-es Anabel Navarro Gómez — 13 people follow the author

Are you new in Valencia? Keep reading my posts and I'll tell u everything about this AWESOME city :D

Blog posts

  • The City of Arts and Sciences

    I am pretty sure you have already heard about this place. It is one of the most visited in Valencia for many reasons. I can tell you some of them. The place is located at the end of the old Turia's riverbed, next to the sea.Nowadays there is park created in this...

    1 , in Erasmus blog Valencia 11 years ago
  • Accomodation

    Good afternoon my dear readers! How is it going the week? As I planned I am going to talk about accomodation in Valencia. Valencia is an easy city to find a place to live, the thing is to find THE place, that place you like to live. Source Would you like to find a...

    7 , in Erasmus blog Valencia 11 years ago
  • Valencia and the shopping centers

    Hi readers! Today I decided to talk about something I think is useful if you are living in Valencia: the shopping centers. There are several spread surrounding the city, so I am going to explain which you can visit, how to arrive there and the location in the city. So,...

    1 , in Erasmus blog Valencia 11 years ago
  • My best advice

    Hi readers! Today I went for a walk with my mother and I just realized that I completely forgot to tell you my best advice about Valencia. So, here it is: ride a bike. Ok, probably you are thinking "Is that your advice, your best advice? ". It is! I will explain...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Valencia 11 years ago
  • The Plaza Redonda

    Hi people :D Today I will talk about a little place you can visit next to the city center of Valencia: the Plaza Redonda (where plaza means square and redonda means round). The square was built around 1840 and the idea was to use it as a commercial square. Some of the...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Valencia 11 years ago
  • An awesome Valencian habit: Torrà :D

    Hello little friends! Here we ar again to talk you about something we love in Valencia, and, in general, all Spain: to make a torrà.  Probably you are wondering: what the h*** is a torrà? Well a torrà is a barbecue, but not only a barbecue, it's THE...

    0 , in Erasmus recipes 11 years ago
  • Torres de Serranos

    Today I would like to introduce to you some information about the Serrano's Towers. These two towers are one of the twelve old gates of Valencia city. They were built in the XIV century and they're style is gothic. At the beginning, they were used as a defense of the...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Valencia 11 years ago
  • Port Saplaya

    Hello readers! Today, I am going to talk to you about one of my favorite places near Valencia: Port Saplaya. This place is located in Alboraya, a village next to Valencia (very easy to go). Despite the fact that it is a small village, it has many interesting things (at...

    2 , in Erasmus blog Valencia 11 years ago
  • Plaza del Ayuntamiento

    The Plaza del Ayuntamiento of Valencia is the square where you can find the Council Building, where the major's work. This square is really famous in Valencia because it has different names depending on the historical moment. The first name the square had was Emilio...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Valencia 11 years ago
  • Welcome to the good weather!

    Hi! Welcome to my new blog about Valencia. I will try to write many useful tips for you - the new people in this beautiful city. At first, I would like to introduce myself, that way you will know who's talking to you. My name is Anabel, I'm a student at the University...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Valencia 11 years ago

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