Plaza del Ayuntamiento

The Plaza del Ayuntamiento of Valencia is the square where you can find the Council Building, where the major's work.

This square is really famous in Valencia because it has different names depending on the historical moment.

The first name the square had was Emilio Castelar, who was the first president of the first Spanish Republic between 1873 and 1874 (it has, actually, only 1 months, not even a year! ). Then the name changed to Plaza del Caudillo, where Caudillo is a reference to the dictator Francisco Franco. As you can imagine, this name stayed during all this period: from 1939 to 1978. After the dictatorship, the square changed again the name. The new name was Plaza del País Valenciano (Valencian Country Square, but don't translate it, it's awful! ) until 1987 when it (FINALLY) changed to the current name: Plaza del Ayuntamiento, which means that the city hall building is there.

All the building surrounding the square have the same style: modernist, except the Council Builiding that it's baroque.

This square hosts many acts during the year and some parades too. I think the most important period are Las Fallas, because during 19 days in a row the square has the "mascletà". But I will talk to you later about this. First, go and see the square and their beautiful buildings.


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