Travelling around the world
Blog posts
28 Reasons why you should never go to Latvia
1. Let's go to Latvia... said no one ever. Riga old town Source 2. I mean, the marshes in "Lord of the Rings" look better. Landscape, Latgale region Source 3. You'd have to pay me to come here... Gauja river valley Source 4.... a lot! Venta waterfall Source 5. They...
28 reasons why you should never go to Poland
1. Poland is really not beautiful Warsaw's business downtown Source 2. Especially not the nature Five Ponds Valley, Tatra Mountains Source 3. It has literally nothing to offer Gdansk Source 4. No breathtaking places Tatra Mountains at Sunrise, Zakopane Source 5. No...
30 reasons why you should never visit Bulgaria
1. What a beautiful countryside vista... Naaaaaaat! One of the seven Rila lakes in the Rila mountains Source 2. Bloke in the corner probably thinking "wtf am I doing in this shit hole? " Mountain lake Source 3. Now these just look fucking weird! Stone group in the...
29 reasons why you should never visit Ireland
1. Good ol' Ireland... Dunluce Castle Source 2. Well, let's get shitty Northern Ireland out of the way first. Giant causeway, Northern Ireland Source 3. Red sky at night... Cliff of moher Source 4. Ireland still looks like shite. Newgrange temple Source 5. That...
Why you should never visit France. Ever!
1. France is really not beautiful. Paris. Source 2. Especially not the architecture... Chantilly Castle. Source 3. Look at that, who could live in a such place? Chenonceau Castle. Source 4. Gardens looks even worst. Versailles gardens, Versaille Castle. Source 5....
Evénements sportifs en Erasmus
Bien que le football soit de loin le sport le plus populaire en Europe, ce n'est pas le sport numéro 1 dans tous les pays. Lors de votre Erasmus à l'étranger cela peut être très intéressant d'en profiter pour découvrir de nombreux sports pas forcément pratiqués...
Bien choisir ses colocs!
Erasmus est le meilleur moyen de rencontrer des gens, de découvrir de nouvelles choses, de nouvelles cultures, de faire la fête. Pour en profiter à fond, mieux vaut se loger en colocation. Cependant attention, il y a certaines personnes avec lesquelles vous ne...
The worst roommates of the entire world! Savage photos included
Erasmus is the best choice to meet people, discover new things, new cultures, to party. To take full advantage, better housing in shared flat. But beware, there are some people with whom you certainly wouldn't want to share an accommodation. Here is a small compilation...
29 reasons why you should never visit Croatia
1. Croatia is really not beautiful. Town Omis Source 2. Especially not the nature. Lake Source 3. It has literally nothing to offer. Island Source 4. No history. Pula Source 5. No breathtaking places. Islands Source 6. No interesting buildings. Croatian state...
29 reasons why you should never visit Austria
1. "Land of mountains, land by the stream..." Village lac Source 2. ...since when is that a good sell? Resort of Schladming Source 3. Land of hills, land by a puddle is more appropriate anyway. Austria landscape Source 4. This guys looks a lot of fun. Alpine...