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  - 1 opinions

A good place for healthy-VIP people

Published by flag-es Alba vlcpt — 13 years ago

I wouldn't have recomended this place if I had thought that there "is people for everything", what it means that this is not a typical restaurant where you can go with your mates and not only for the price (is a bit expensive...around 12-15€/dish)

if not also for the food, because is a special restaurant that follows a macrobiotic diet. And what does it means? well, I'm not sure at all (although I have been being vegetarian for almost one year...) but It doesn't really matter because the final taste of this food is really fantastic and healthy at the same time. Impossible? no! you just need an open mind to try new things as tofu, temple, wild rice or espelta beer.  

You should know that if you go here you wouldn't find meat, a normal beer or a pizza, because its all made by vegetables and vegetal proteins, no added sugar, no fat...just natural. 


Scared about the prices? don't worry, they have also a daily menu around 13 €.


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