Alba vlcpt

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flag-es Alba vlcpt

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Alba activity

  • Place

    Hawaika- tropical Drinks

    Hawaika is well known in Valencia for its famous steaming juices served in a really special glass with maya's faces shapes and 1metre straws! The place is really unusual, even it seems a normal coffee from the outside, once you cross the door the jungle starts. Reed...

  • Experience

    Discovering the Albufera de Valencia

    It has been such a long time since the last report I wrote but today I would like to share one of my lasts experiences in this personal discovering of Valencia; saling the "Albufera lake", one of the bests natural parks in Spain.  With over 21.000 hectareas, this...

  • Place

    Casa Montaña

    Today I would like to recomend you this typical place, famous all around spain for its dishes, wines and atmosphere. just have a look to the website and GO! good dishes to taste: Solomillo de buey trinchado con ajos tiernos, cecina de león, michirones (habas cocinadas)...

  • Place


    I wouldn't have recomended this place if I had thought that there "is people for everything", what it means that this is not a typical restaurant where you can go with your mates and not only for the price (is a bit expensive...around 12-15€/dish) if not also for the...

  • Place


    Here we are again to recommend you a really good place for dinner and party today :)Kaña Makán is a mediterranean-arab mixture bar placed in the Cedro Square, near Blasco Ibáñez and the University (UV). I discovered the place last year thanks to a friend and I go...

  • Experience

    TANDEM project Valencia

    Everybody know's that Erasmus parties takes part on Wednesdays... but... what happens on Thursdays? Let's Talk! Have a look at this webpage and find out more information about the "Tándem method" Just fill the application form and find...

  • Blog

    Step 1. I have chosen Valencia, and now?

    Once you have choosed Valencia as your new Erasmus destination...(congratulations in that case..) you will need to start thinking about too many things but... would you like an advice? KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON. It's easier that it seems. Well, first of all, make a...

  • New photos in Valencia

    gallery updated, 12 years ago
  • Place

    El Desván del Café

    Wow! I was walking around Ruzafa`s disctrict two weeks ago when I found this special place. A mixture between Paris and London, with the typical small round tables and the coolest chaos from Candem town =)  Smell their coffee and have a delicious piece of cake in a...

  • Blog

    17 March! St. Patricks day!

    Good morning to everyone! Here we are one more day to continue with the Fallas walk! Let's go to the Mascletà! and then... why not eating something special around the Carmen District? Source If you like pasta "La Papardella" is one of the best italian restaurants near...

  • Blog

    16 March!

      Fallas ON!! let`s go!! =) today all fallas are finally planted (plantà) and you should go out and visit them if you don't want to be squashed when everybody goes out.  I have been in the mascletà and now its time to relax and recover before having a completely...

    1 por Alba en General
  • New photos in Valencia

    gallery updated, 12 years ago
  • New photos in Valencia

    gallery updated, 12 years ago
  • Blog

    15th March!

      Fallas are well known in all the world as one of the biggest parties in Spain (or maybe is the Spain's biggest urban festival) held between the 15th and the 19th of March. They are unique to Valencia, Spain`s third largest city.  Many people have the opinion that...

    0 por Alba en General
  • New photos in Valencia

    gallery updated, 12 years ago
  • Experience

    Discovering my own city

    I have lived in Valencia since I was born, but I have also lived abroad so I would like to talk you about the differences I have seen and then compare our sistem with others, giving inconvenients and advantages about livign and studying here. I study in "tarongers"...

  • Place

    El café de las horas

    I have been living in Valencia for 23 years and since last year I haven`t discovered this magical place... it is close to the Queen`s Square and the Palace of the Generalitat, just in the neuralgic point of the city, but a bit hidden in the Conde Almodovar Street. With...

  • Forum

    Erasmus Valencia 2012 / 2013 (English)

    Good evening!! If someone is going to study in Valencia and need some help, just send me an email with all your doubts to [email protected], I am studying in Valencia also and I know all the problems you can find (from finding accommodation, speaking with...

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