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Erasmus experiences Universidad de Valencia

  • 7 / 10 points

    Experience at The University of Valencia, Spain by Miguel V.

    Source In general, what is the University of Valencia like? In general it's good. It's difficult for me to give an objective opinion because I only have experience of the Faculty of Psychology. Moreover, I don't really know what the Faculty is like now because I was...

    0 , 7 years ago
  • 7 / 10 points

    Visa for Erasmus in Spain

    What you should know about getting a visa for Spain:) The adventure of one year Erasmus in the University of Valencia started in September. The part of Visa is always challenging, and for that i wanted to share my experience with you. I wanted to be descriptive and for...

    0 , 8 years ago
  • 8 / 10 points

    An unforgettable Erasmus in Valencia! 2011/2012

    Hi guys! I spent six months of my Erasmus studies in the spanish city of Valencia, and I suggest you to do the same! It's a wonderful city, sunny and warm. The universities are very good and the nightlife is crazy! Source When you arrive, you can easily find a shared...

    1 , 12 years ago
  • 4 / 10 points

    Discovering my own city

    I have lived in Valencia since I was born, but I have also lived abroad so I would like to talk you about the differences I have seen and then compare our sistem with others, giving inconvenients and advantages about livign and studying here. I study in "tarongers"...

    4 , 13 years ago

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