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Tapas at it's best, higher quality, fair price

Published by flag-be Lyanne Huysmans — 8 years ago

This is a romantic, really nice place, to go with your friends, boy/girlfriend, family (if they are visiting).

During the day you can choose between different menus, in the evening it depends. Could be they have a menu, but it could be they have different tapas to choose from.

They are tapas but of a higher quality. It is my favorite place to eat. You learn new things, new food, wines, cava and dessert.

The staff is really friendly, they always ask you if you are allergic to something.

Este es un romántico, acogedor restaurante para ir con tus amigos, familia, novia/novio (si están visitando).

Durante el día puedes elegir entre diferentes menus, por la noche ya depende. A veces tienen un menu también o puedes elegir entre diferentes tapas.

Son tapas de alta calidad. Este es mi lugar favorito para comer. Aprendes cosas nuevas, nuevos vinos, cava y postre.

Los empleados son muy amables, siempre preguntan si eres alérgico.

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