Place Kléber is the main square, and the largest, in the French city of Strasbourg, and is located in the historic quarter just a short distance from the cathedral.

The square takes its name from Jean Baptiste Kléber, who was born in Strasbourg and was a very important military general during the revolutionary wars. There is a statue of him in the centre of the square, just above where his body is buried.

One particular building that more than stands out in the square is called Aubette, which sits out on one side and is quite large, housing a small shopping centre with big name brands like Apple and Zara having stores there. However, the building is actually most famous for being the centrepiece of the Christmas lights show held every year in Place Kleber, as well as the backdrop for the huge Christmas tree. I have been lucky enough to see this Christmas spectacular in both 2013 and 2014, and I must say that it is really incredible. They play with the lights against the shape of the building, and the show lasts for around 15 minutes, complete with and a little story to accompany it. The first time that you can watch the show is the day of the inauguration of the Christmas festivities (which usually takes place at the end of November) just before the tree is lighted for the first time. However, due to the sheer success and popularity of the event (and I guess for the sheer manpower required), they repeat it throughout the week from 5pm to 8pm at half-hour intervals and it is completely free! Just in front of this building, there is a rectangular-shaped fountain, which gives it a very special touch and personally reminds me of Paris.

Continuing with the Christmas theme, the day of the inauguration of the festive period takes place right here in Place Kléber (as I mentioned earlier) with a huge stage set up for a variety of performances, followed by the Christmas lights switch-on. Within this square, there is also a Christmas market that is related to acts of solidarity, and it's for this reason that it's called "Village du Partage" ["Village of Sharing", in English]. In addition to this, you will also be able to find the little hut with information about: the times at which the different activities and shows are taking place during this festive period; where the Christmas markets are located; and, how to get free postcards, etc. The city's Christmas tree arrives in Place Kléber at the beginning of November and it is decorated right up until the inauguration day; it's quite tall and they bring it from Les Vosges mountain range (situated very close to Strasbourg). It's fair to say that, with every year that passes, it is increasingly more spectacular, both the light switch-on itself, as well as the lighting and decoration. There is also a little Christmas tree stall in the market here in the square.

Apart from the Aubette building with its little shopping centre, the square is full of stores, like the supermarket MONOPRIX, Brioche Dorée, and Stradivarius, amongst others. There is also another little mall that houses quite a decent-sized FNAC on the upper floor, as well as mobile phone retailers and sweet shops on the street level.

The closest tram stop to Place Kléber is "Homme de Fer", which is just a stone's throw away, and is the main tram station in Strasbourg, with each and every line passing through this station, receiving the greatest number of passengers each day.