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A small Japanese restaurant that does bentos and takoyaki!

Translated by flag-gb Beth Pearson — 7 years ago

Original text by flag-fr Marion Hernandez

A small Japanese restaurant that does bentos and takoyaki!

Umiyaki is a small Japanese restaurant, close to the Sant-Roch church and the famous Place de la Comédie (tram lines 1 and 2). When I say little, it's very little. There is a table against the wall at the right of the entrance, which is much longer than it is wide as well as some high chairs. On the left are no more than several little tables. It's not a problem because quite a lot of people come to get a takeaway. That being said, there wasn't any space left in the restaurant and we had to wait outside (not a nuisance in Spring but perhaps more so in Winter).

We originally went there so I could try one of their specialities that aren't very widespread around here: the 'takoyaki'. They're small balls made from pancake batter with a meat or fish or crustacean inside. In this instance, octopus (4 euros for a container of 6).

A small Japanese restaurant that does bentos and takoyaki!

The famous takoyaki

I liked it a lot. It was served with a generous portion of rice and I had quite enough of it. I would have just appreciated a bit more octopus and I could barely eat my rice (not being much of a sauce person) because they put a sauce on the takoyaki and rice resembling a vinegar mayonnaise. There was a certain amount I managed to get rid of the takoyaki but not the rice. A bit of a shame... That being said, it's just a question of taste. Although she had just as much of it, the sauce didn't bother my friend who showed me the place.

If not, you can also eat more 'customary' Japanese dishes: the gyozu for example and notably, they prepare different bentos for every budget.; )

For desert, we enjoyed the amayaki or as they say, 'the sweet version of takoyaki'.

They propose two types of them: plain with coulis (4 euros for six) or filled amayaki, with or without coulis (4. 50 euros).

The different coulis to choose from are: chocolate, caramel, white chocolate, strawberry and mango.

The fillings are: speculoos, praline, desiccated coconut, fruit, aloe vera, marzipan. It makes you want them, huh?; p

I also saw there was a new one. You can now choose to have a Lindt chocolate coulis (diverse tastes to discover, like crème brûlée and fleur de sel... ).

On the advise of my friend, we took a container of 6 to share between us: 6 plain amayaki; caramel coulis on half of them, the rest with chocolate; and frankly, they were great! I thought as cool as the fillings may have seemed, it was great without them too (or maybe the filled ones without the coulis because the two together seem like just a bit 'trop' to me) but it's up to you at the end of the day.

And needless to say, there are other deserts: Japanese patisseries like the dorayaki (a sort of pancake with a kidney bean jam, matcha financiers (a green tea powder) or yet, a patisserie baked with soy powder! So let yourselves be tempted...

Bienvenue au club de thé aux perles!

Moreover, Umiyaki does bubble tea (in L or XL)! Yes, you know, bubble tea - these trendy teas originally from Morocco with the little bizarre pellets, all viscous, (they are actually tapioca pearls) that you suck through a large straw. If the tea isn't your thing, you can also order the bubbles in a smoothie! I tried a red berry bubble smoothie and it was great, very refreshing and fun (long live the bubbles! ) The restaurant also proposes a 'thickshake'.

By the way, you can add toppings to your drinks (the 'bubbles' are one of them. There are others like agar-agar and aloe vera... )

And good news: They even do a special bubble tea loyalty card. For every 9 bubble teas, smoothies or thickshakes bought, Umiyaki offers the 10th for free!

They also have Asian beer if you like to drink.

And a bit more practical: The restaurant also does home delivery. :) So frankly, it's not worth depriving yourself!

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