Søstrene Grene
- Address: Amagertorv 24 1160 København K
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What to do Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
You should visit Søstrene Grene
The introduction
Well, when I was getting ready to go to Denmark, I searched for some places and shops and things like that, so that when I got there, I could be kind of familiar to all the things, that I could and couldn’t do there. And, hence, I searched for some useful shops, where I could shop cheaply, you know, because Denmark is a very expensive country and one can not simply shop there with just some money, rather, you need a lot of money to go shopping there.
Fortunately, there are some shops and supermarkets, where you can find some things in cheap prices and there are pretty good things there, if you want to know the truth.
When I googled cheap stores in Copenhagen, one of the shops was called Søstrene Greneand, well, the name was pretty strange and I didn’t really pay much attention to it, however, I still had it noted in my mobile phone, so that when I got to Copenhagen, maybe, I would visit that store and see what were the products there, however, I wasn’t really sure, that I would visit it, because I didn’t really find it very interesting then.
About Søstrene Grene
Well, Sostrene Grene is a retail chain of Danes. It was established in Aarhus, Denmark in 1973 and it was the sisters Inger and Ruth Grene, who set up the farm, and they were also called Anna and Clara Grene, which is pretty strange, if you ask me.
“With a curious and creative mind, even the smallest things can become something wonderful. ”
There are 9 Sostrene Grene stores in Copenhagenand one of them is located on Stroget, the longest shopping street in Copenhagen and not only there, I guess. there are many other stores in other countries than Denmark, so that you shouldn’t be concerned about not having that store in some countries. I mean, you should check it, maybe you are in a country where there are some Sostrene Grene shops there, because the shop is really worth visiting and it has lots of things for everything and they are pretty good and the prices are alright, too, and that’s why I recommend it to everyone, who is looking for such stores.
Me visiting Sostrene Grene
Well, you should know, that getting to Sostrene Grene is not difficult, I mean, if you search for the Lego store, Copenhagen, you will know where it is located and then you just have to go there and there you will see Sostrene Grene just nearby that Lego store, so that it won’t be hard to visit this store. However, if you start walking through the Stroget, you may need some time to finally get to the Sostrene Grene. To be honest, I had it noted in my google maps and, hence, I knew, where exactly I had to go to find that store.
I went to the store just the way, that the google maps were telling me and soon I was just right there! I went beside one church, which was pretty wonderful from the outside, I must say, and it was pretty large. And there were these Nutella crepes sold I front of the church, which made it seem like just a regular building and it was not that acceptable, however, the stroget is the street of tourists and everyone tries to have a place there and sell some stuff to them and, well, everyone just loves those Nutella crepes and there were always many people in line to get some Nutella crepes, if you want to know the truth.
Well, anyways, I was really looking forward to going to Sostrene Grene, because I wanted to see, what they had there, so that when I got there, I just looked forward to getting in, however, it seemed like I couldn’t find a way to get in, I mean, there was a sign of Sostrene Grene, however, I couldn’t find a way to get into there. There was this door and then there were two ways to go to, though the right side was closed and the left one was the stairs or something. It took me a while to understand what to do and I went to the stairs, as I remember it correctly now. Somehow then I was there inside the store and they had some other floors, too, as I guessed and it was kind of strange to move around there, however, I still managed to find my way through the store and it was really worth it, I must say.
So, getting inside the store the very first thing, that I noticed was this painting stuff and they had lots of them. Well, I paint on canvases with oil, so that it was a blast when I saw all those things, however, I felt very bad for myself at that very time, because I couldn’t really buy many things there, because then I would have to take that stuff all the way back to Georgia and I didn’t know how I could take the canvases through the airports and stuff like that, so that I didn’t buy those canvases there, however, they were really cool and the price was just perfect for them and I would have bought plenty of them if I didn’t have to go through some airports and travel a little bit in the Europe, too. They had all those different sized canvases with a pretty high quality. They also had those painting oils and acrylic paints and many brushes _ all the different types and sizes and the pencils and sketchbooks, etc. It was a painter’s dream to get there and buy all that stuff, I guess. well, if I lived in Copenhagen I would definitely buy that stuff there in Sostrene Grene.
Beside the painting stuff, they also had some great décor and they were so lovely, that I wanted to buy all of them. There were all those different types of lighting things to be put on the shelves or the table and things like that. They also had the décor flowers, which were artificial and I just love those artificial things, which are small and cute.
There you can find traditional Nordic décor in sostrene Grene and it’s like you’re on the whole new level of life when you buy things in Sostrene Grene. You can be amazed by the things, that you can buy there in cheap price and get them in your house and have them there and it will make your house look very different and nice.
You will see many things for your home in Sostrene Grene, that you might haven’t even seen anywhere else. There are many kitchen things there, which are very useful and, at the same time, very beautiful, so that you can even have them as your decorations and don’t use them at all. There are all those small shelves for some things, that you might find very useful, and, well, shelves are always a good idea, if you ask me.
You can find bathroom stuff in Sostrene Grene, too, and there are some beautiful bath robes and bath towels and candles and soap dispensers, etc. there, that you will want to have them in your bathroom.
If you love tea and, especially, some tea with different flavours and things like that, you can visit Sostrene Grene and have some tea bought there, because there are all those different kinds of tea and the variety is so wide, that you will be confused for real.
Sostrene Grene is for sweet and chocolate lovers, too, because you can see all the brand chocolates there and I didn’t really expect to see the Reese’s peanut butter cups there! I really love those peanut butter cups and it was a pretty good surprise when I saw them there. And they only cost 12 DKK and that’s pretty normal for those Reese’s peanut butter cups, because they cost pretty expensive, if you want to know the truth. And there were these white Hershey’s, too, which made Sostrene Grene even more on top in my mind. There were also so many chocolate bars with different flavours and there were those coconut and fruit and dark chocolate bars with some normal prices, however, I must say, that the chocolate cost pretty expensive comparing to other things sold there. And the brand chocolate bars were really expensive, if you want to know the truth. That’s because they were imported, I guess, and well, why buy those imported stuff, when Denmark is very famous for its chocolate?! And that’s why I used to buy Danish chocolate bars rather that that well-known Snickers and Twix and others.
There were also these famous liquor sticks or whatever they are called. It’s the Lakrids as they call it in Denmark and, you know, they really love liquor things, as I have guessed, so that people like to buy them, too. Well, I bought some and they weren’t very bad. You know, some people love them and others just hate them, so that it’s not that middle point there, however, there can be some people who don’t love them and don’t hate them, either, rather, they can eat them, however, not with much pleasure, I guess. there are many different sticks like those ones, too, and there were even some Coca Cola sticks, which I bought to taste and they were pretty good. They had that exact Coca Cola taste and, well, I remembered, that we kind of had some things like that back in our childhood, which we really loved having and they were sold in our school cafeteria for some time and we just wanted to buy them and chew them the whole time.
The environment
Well, the environment was pretty awesome considering, that the stairway to the shop was a little confusing. The cashiers were a little confusing, too, however, we could still manage shopping there comfortably. There was this ceiling in brown colours and the lights were just amazing. It was like some dandelions on the ceiling, which were lighted whitish and they were pretty cool.
There was also this cool thing like on some children’s playground, where you can get on those slides and slide down pretty happily. You could just sit there on the second floor and then slide to the first floor, where the exit was.
And then there was this huge chandelier just in the exit or entrance, whatever you call it. It was like that new era chandelier with some candle-shaped lights and a round thing around them, which made it look like an old one, however, that round thing made it look like a modern thing, so that it was both, if you ask me.
So, the very first things, that I bought in Sostrene Grene were these two pens, which were white and black and they had this crown on them, which made them very lovely and beautiful. They didn’t cost much and they were pretty awesome for their price.
Well, I could have bought many things in Sostrene Grene if I had some space in my baggage, however, I couldn’t take everything back home to Georgia, so that I just enjoyed looking at things in there and then went to the other stores on Stroget. And, I want to tell you, that if you are in Denmark, or someplace else, where you can see Sostrene Grene shops there, you should definitely visit them, because the prices are just alright and the products are really great, so that, keep that in mind and let yourself be part of the Nordic culture!
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- Español: Deberíais ir a Søstrene Grene
- Italiano: Un posto da visitare: Søstrene Grene
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