The introduction
Hello everyone, I hope, that you are all doing just fine!
In this article I want to tell you about the university of Copenhagen bookstore, which I visited while my being there and it was a pretty good place for buying the medical books, because it was a Health and Medical faculty of Copenhagen university building there and therefore they just had the medical books there. To be honest, I really wanted to buy some anatomy or radiology book there, however, I didn’t find them in English and, since I don’t really know Danish, I couldn’t buy the Danish version of anatomy or radiology book, and, besides, buying the books there would be pretty expensive for me, because every book is expensive, especially if you buy them in Denmark, I guess.
So , to tell you the truth, I didn’t really know, that this place existed, until I saw it on my google maps by chance. It was a really surprising for me, because it was located just in that very Panum, where I had these internal medicine lectures and I could just get there after the lectures and see the things, that they sold there. However, there was this problem, that the bookstore only worked until 4 p.m. and my lectures ended exactly on 4 p.m., and it was closed on weekends, so that I wouldn’t be able to visit it during the lectures course, however, then after the course ended, I had some extra days in Copenhagen and I could visit the store and buy some interesting things there. And, besides, if I didn’t buy anything, I could just buy some Copenhagen university souvenirs there, of course.
The bookstore is in such place, that you can miss somehow, because you might not know, how the entrance looks like, however, I saw this picture on google maps of the bookstore and that's why I found it pretty easily. The entrance is this large door, which is the characteristic door for the panum and then you see this large window beside it, where ou see the books inside and that's how you really know, that it's that bookstore, which you are looking for. Well, when you enter the building, yyou have to go to the right and there's the entrance to the bookstore, which, to be honest, is not very large and it's just a small room full of books and other things. To tell you the truth , I didn't really expect the bookstore to be that small. it was a little bit larger than our bookstore in Tbilisi State Medical University.
Getting inside the bookstore you see the stationery at first, because there are lots of pens and pencils and notebooks and stuff like that on the shelves on the left. And there's the cashier just on your right, where there are two ladies smiling at you and waiting for you if you need any help. And they know English very well, so that it's not a problem to communicate with them if you don't know Danish.
So, there are books in the middle of the room and they are kind of sorted, however, they are like towers of books and it looks like it's messy inside the room and it looks like the books were just brought there and the assistants forgot to put them in their right places.
Theere are lots of medical books in the bookstore and since it's the medical bookstore ,you will find books of anatomy and biochemistry and stuff like that, however, most of them are in Danish, of course, and you will find one or two books in English there. Well, to be honest, it is not surprising at all, because they have very good books in Danish and they don't need to buy other books from other countries. Besides those books, there are all the curriculum books for the medical students there, of course.
You will also find dentistry books in the bookstore, of course.
Other than books, there are lots of things for the souvenirs from the University of Copenhagen and there are those pens and small notebooks and hoodies and T-shirts and shirts and bags and handbags, etc. in the bookstore, which you can buy and either wear them yourself or give them to someone, who likes such stuff. However, I must tell you, that it's really expensive to buy those things there. Well, the quality is great and that's one of the reaosns, why those things cost pretty expensive and, secondly, it's the bookstore, where tourists buy such souvenir things and, therefore, it is expensive, I guess.
I really liked those hoodies or T-shirts, however, I couldn't pay so much money in them and, so that I decided to buy one of the handbags there, ebcause they cost cheaper. there were two types of those handbags and one was black and didn't have really fancy look and the other one was dark purple, which was really lovely and in that University of Copenhagen colours, however, the decision was pretty difficult still. Finally I chose the purplish one and went on looking around.
There were some medical instruments sold in the bookstore, too, and I really wanted to buy any of them, however, as expected, they were pretty expensive, too, and there were those surgical blades, which were kind of cheaper and they were pretty beautiful if you looked at them and I decidede to buy them.
I also bought a pen of University of Copenhagen and a small notebook, which were not very expensive comparing to other things.
Well, technically, I went to the bookstore because I wanted to see if they had a radiology book in English there, however, they only had dentist's radiology book in English and others were in Danish, so that I couldn't buy it, however, I still bought some things there, which I found pretty good.