The introduction
Hello everyone, I hope, that you are all doing just fine!
In this article I want to tell you about this place in Copenhagen, which I found out about just very occasionally and it was a pretty good surprise to see such thing in there, because I wasn’t expecting anything like that in that area and, well, perhaps I would see something like that in some other places, where those large art exhibitioons are, however, I still didn’t expect it to be right there on that Gammel Kongevej street, where I usually went almost every day going to the lectures of internal medicine and coming back home in the evening.
This place is called Galleri Værkstedet and it’s a very nice room full of art pieces and art supplies, which was closed by the time I got there the very first time and when I saw that place the first time I went there.

About Galleri Værkstedet
Well, there are not much to know about Galleri Værkstedet. It’s located on Gammel Kongevej in Copenhagen, Denmark and it’s a pretty beautiful place for artists and painters and just art lovers, I must say. This is a place, where you can go and hang out and see all those different paintings and statuettes and things like that and enjoy your being there. You can even buy some of the art pieces for yourself or as a gift and it’s a pretty much nice place for anything like that.
So , this Gammel Kongevej is the main shopping street in Frederiksberg in Copenhagen and it’s a Danish name, which means “Old King’s Road” in English. It’s a pretty long street and there you can find many different things across the street on both sides. It’s one of the oldest roads in Frederiksberg and it’s a pretty beautiful place in the city, I must say.
To be honest, there’s not much to know about the Galleri Værkstedet and there is not much information about it in the Internet and that’s why it’s not that easy to tell you about the Galleri Værkstedet in Copenhagen, however, there you can find some art works of Bettina Drejer, who is a graphic designer and illustrator and international selling artist. Her works are there in the Galleri Værkstedet from 2013 and her artwork is pretty amazing, I must say.
There’s a telephone number for the customers of Galleri Værkstedet +44 53 25 25 and you can call them if you have any questions about the gallery or anything related to that. There are Norup Litografi and Jens Norup in the workplace as I know and they do some artwork, too, as well as keep some of other people’s artworks there.

The interior
Well, going inside, you can see many different pieces of art and if you think, that you will just find some oil paintings or acrylic ones there, you are pretty much mistaken because it’s not just some paintings that are there, but you will see some other pieces of art , too, for example, there’s this huge window looking at the street of Gammel Kongevej and there are those small statuettes with bronze colour or something like that and they are like couples, I guess, and maybe they are the illustrations of some families, I don’t really know, but they are pretty beautiful and you could just put them in your house in the living room or somewhere else and enjoy looking at them, because they are really some kind of different and very lovely things, at the same time. Though, I don’t really know, whether they are for selling or what the price for these statuettes are and, considering the prices in Copenhagen, which are very expensive, I don’t think that this kind of art work is a cheap one, rather, they may be cost pretty expensive, if you ask me.

When I first went to this Galleri Værkstedet, there were those small pieces of art, which were hung on a thread or something like that like they dry up the washed clothes and those were like children’s paintings, I guess, however, they may not even be children’s. though they looked like the paintings that children usually paint with those vivid different colours and people on them, etc.
You could also see some working stuff there and there were those painting brushes put into some cans and some spray cans and things like that and everything was so very well decided around the place, that you would think, that you were in on an exhibition and not some workplace for art, if you ask me.

Well, there were many paintings on the walls, all different in type and style and they were all in frames with that glass on them in that modern way. You know, if you wanted a free exhibition, you could just go to this Galleri Værkstedet and not even get inside and have a look at the things from the outside from the street through that large window.
So that, if you are ever in Copenhagen and you want to see some art and even be kind of a part of it, you can go to Frederiksberg on Gammel Kongevej street 131 and have a look at those pieces of art in that small place of art in Galleri Værkstedet. It’s a very good getaway from this every day life troubles and for some minutes, you can just enjoy the art and think about nothing else than that.
Visit this Galleri Værkstedet on Gammel Kongevej, Frederiksberg, Copenhagen.