Erasmusu in Sweden (Pablo en)

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An entire year living in Sweden gives to you hundreds of experiences. And not all of them can be gathered in only one blog. This blog collect little experieces in Sweden, pieces of advise, unnoticed details, etc (en)

Blog posts

  • Natural water, please!

    If you don’t like drinking fizzy drink, be careful in Sweden. As well as in many other European countries, in Sweden is most common the fizzy carbonated drink (with bubbles) than the still drink (without bubbles). In many supermarkets, they even don’t have still...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Umea 13 years ago
  • Swedish magazines

    In Sweden, the long and dark winters force people to stay long times at home without going out. This make that many people focus on the yellow press of the TV or magazines, giving more importance to the famous lives than to their own ones. Therefore it is vey common to...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Umea 13 years ago
  • Bread with gold price

    In Spain bread is sacred in every meal of the day. And there is nothing better than eating a good bocata between the breaks of the classes or dipping the piece of bread to get the most of the fantastic food you are cooked. But here in Sweden eating good bread is almost...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Umea 13 years ago
  • WTF?????

    What is this? A handle for the milk tetrabrick? Ok, when you think that Sweden can not surprise you anymore, suddenly you find this in the supermarket. XDDDDDDD

    0 , in Erasmus blog Umea 13 years ago
  • The outpatient department of Alidhem

    If you live in Alidhem and you feel sick, this is the place where you have to go. It is closer than the university hospital since it is only 50 m north from Alidhem centrum. If you go to the hospital probably you won’t be accepted and you will have to come...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Umea 13 years ago
  • Sushi in my corridor!

    One of the better things of living in Umea as an international student, and most if you live in Alidhem, is that it seems like you are living in a really big residence. Although you have to cook your dinner (like in all the residence outside Spain) and have your own...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Umea 13 years ago
  • Mr. Snowplough

    One of the most important jobs in this region of the world is the snowplough. Without them the life will be paralyzed under meters and meters of snow. Only with one night snowing, the snow can reach your knee the next morning. So imagine almost 5 months snowing! So in...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Umea 13 years ago
  • The short fall

    The year in Umea passes through a long cold and dark winter and a long warm and light summer. But it seems like the other seasons don’t exist compared with Spain. Actually, in this part of the world there are also autumn and spring. But their conditions are so strange...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Umea 13 years ago
  • The fall in the European Capital of Culture year of Umea 2014

    The activities during the European Capital of Culture year of Umea 2014 follow a scheduled program. It is based on the Sami calendar which divides the year in 8 seasons according to the nature cycles. Fall is an important period of the year for Swedish and Samis. It is...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Umea 13 years ago
  • The summer in the European Capital of Culture year of Umea 2014

    The activities during the European Capital of Culture year of Umea 2014 follow a scheduled program. It is based on the Sami calendar which divides the year in 8 seasons according to the nature cycles. Summer is the period most waited in Sweden. The light, the sun and...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Umea 13 years ago
  • The spring in the European Capital of Culture year of Umea 2014

    The activities during the European Capital of Culture year of Umea 2014 follow a scheduled program. It is based on the Sami calendar which divides the year in 8 seasons according to the nature cycles. Spring is a very important period. In this time your mood changes...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Umea 13 years ago
  • The winter in the European Capital of Culture year of Umea 2014

    The winter is divided in the European Capital of Culture year of Umea 2014, following the Sami calendar in 2 periods: from December to March and from then to April. The first period, December – March, is named as the Winter [Dálvvie]. This period of the year is going...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Umea 13 years ago
  • The 8 seasons of the European Capital of Culture year of Umea 2014

    The activities during the European Capital of Culture year of Umea 2014 follow a scheduled program. The character of the activities depends on the time of the year, of course. They are different depending on the season of the year, since they affect us in or way of...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Umea 13 years ago
  • the Credo 2014

    One of the activities that is included in the schedule program of the Glass House 2014 is the Credo 2014 Project. It takes place ach day at noon inside this house. It consist of the presentation in short speech of different people from the city, old or young, famouns or...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Umea 13 years ago
  • the Glass House 2014

    One of the symbols of Umea as the European Capital of Culture 2014 is the Glass House 2014. It is located in the City Hall Square, in the centre of Umea downtown, just at the site of the statue of the Standing Man. This building is a cube that measures 5. 5m per side...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Umea 13 years ago
  • Meeting Light

    Another light installation of the fifth edition of the Festival Umeå Autumn was located at the river bank, using the trees in the southern part, in Varvsgatan. It was named “Meeting Light” and designed by True Ahrens and Therese Sundqvist. South bank of the river...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Umea 13 years ago
  • Unrequited love

    A light installation of the fifth edition of the Festival Umeå Autumn is located at the river bank, using the trees of the south of the Station Café. The art work is named Unrequited love and was made by the artist Sofie Weibull. It was built with plexiglass and...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Umea 13 years ago
  • Dancefloor in the park

    Other funny installation of the fifth edition of the Festival Umeå Autumn is called Ballroom, and it was placed in the Rådhusparken park. The dance floor is a natural place for budding love. Therefore the artists of the installation wanted to invite you to dance in...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Umea 13 years ago
  • Booty Call

    Among the light installations of the fifth edition of the Festival Umeå Autumn, one of them was very curious and, at the same time, very funny. It was placed in Kungsgatan, the main commercial street of Umea. The art work, called “Booty Call”, was a humorous...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Umea 13 years ago
  • Love-play

    Among the light installations of the fifth edition of the Festival Umeå Autumn one of them covered an entire square with a play-garden, named “Kär-lek”, or “Love-play”. It was placed in the Renmarkstorget, the square in front of the Tourist office. It...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Umea 13 years ago

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