Erasmusu in Sweden (Pablo en)

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An entire year living in Sweden gives to you hundreds of experiences. And not all of them can be gathered in only one blog. This blog collect little experieces in Sweden, pieces of advise, unnoticed details, etc (en)

Blog posts

  • Snow driving (II) – prepare your trip

    First of all it is very important to be informed about the weather conditions and the state of the roads that you are going to drive. If there is a dangerous risk of driving, you should value until what point you need to drive. Maybe it is better to postpone your trip...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Umea 13 years ago
  • Snow driving (I)

    If you are going to live in Sweden for a year, it is very probable that you need to rent a car for driving and visit wonderful places during the white winter. Many students decide to drive until Kiruna or Nord Cap by their own or to the frozen coast as we did. But...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Umea 13 years ago
  • Ready for the snow

    The weather affects our lives. It changes the animal behaviour, the plant growth, the human mood. The nature appearance is changed ….. and also the appearance of the cars. In Sweden, when winter comes the driving conditions become really difficult. Slippery snow, ice...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Umea 13 years ago
  • And here they come again.

    Finally after a long period without acitivities with our buddy group, due to our trips and works, the buddy group arranges another activity. And, it couldn’t be another thing, we returned with the first barbeque of the year. It was really funny. Not only because we...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Umea 13 years ago
  • Bye bye white snow!

    The temperatures are milder, the sky is raining, and the snow is melting. I thought that, after more than 5 months covered by snow, I would be happy the day I saw Umea without it. But I’m not. The city is sad and ugly. Instead of clean white snow, everything is...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Umea 13 years ago
  • The fog.

    The first spring days are not so cool as I thought. I thought I will spend my time taking the sun in the lake, surrounded by flowers and singing birds. XDD But on the contrary, the weather bring us a first days with dense fog. It is so dense that make you wet as if it...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Umea 13 years ago
  • The Spring has come … I think.

    It seems that the spring came 2 weeks ago. But the first weeks of the spring are not as good as I supposed. I thought that little by little the spring will come with sunny days and green plants being born. But as the temperatures are not cold, the water can be at less...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Umea 13 years ago
  • A fire in the dark

    I don’t know if I have told you it before, but the Swedish winter is very cold. Hahaha Walking in the street with lower temperatures than – 25ª C can be a punishment. In just a few minutes you will feel how your heat releases your body, and the problem is worst if...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Umea 13 years ago
  • The taste of Spain

    Sometimes when you are out of your country you feel very homesick. It is frustrating miss so many things and experiences from your country. One of the most important things is the food. You really miss so much the home-made food from your mother or grandmother. And the...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Umea 13 years ago
  • Bikes under the stones

    As I have told you several times, Umea is a perfect place for riding. It can be noticed from the huge amount of bikes that you can see everywhere. It is not so big as in Holland but it can be surprising. And there are bikes of every kind. The most common are the Dutch...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Umea 13 years ago
  • Swedish bets

    One typical Swedish entertainment is bet. Ok, you will tell me: “people bet everywhere in the world” But here in Sweden is even more common. You can see stands to bet in most of the supermarkets of the city. A reason for that can be that a Swedish life is not as...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Umea 13 years ago
  • Snus history (II)

    Despite its easy use, snus was not very popular in the rich people of Sweden. The gentlemen preferred to smoke tobacco since it seemed of a higher standard. But a the 1960s decade everything change. Due to the raising awareness of the people about the risk of smoking,...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Umea 13 years ago
  • Snus history (I)

    The snus is a unique tobacco product from Sweden. It is impossible to find elsewhere. The origin of the snus comes from the beginnings of the 1800s. Chewing tobacco was very used by workers and farmers in this period since it allowed them to work with free hand for...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Umea 13 years ago
  • Sweden, a country to give up smoking.

    In Sweden the amount of smokers is not as high as in Spain. Snus is most commonly used than tobacco cigarettes. it is easy to understand since the price of cigarettes is really expensive. And as the general life is expensive, it is not a good idea to have an expensive...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Umea 13 years ago
  • The problems of snus

    Snus seems to be healthier than cigarettes, since as they are not smoked, it doesn’t affect the lungs as cigarettes do. It also contains less carcinogens than cigarettes sine it is not fire-cured as cigarettes but steam-cured. This is the reason why the lung cancer...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Umea 13 years ago
  • The snus experience

    Snus is a typical Swedish product and it is something that many students that come here prove at less once. Many of them not only prove because it is a new experience but because it is a good way to cover the nicotine necessities of the smokers without harm the...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Umea 13 years ago
  • Snus everywhere!

    Sweden has a unique product that you can’t find almost elsewhere. It is called snus and it consist of a moist oral tobacco product. It is similar to chewing tobacco but not identical, since snus is not used chewing or spitting. It is consumed shaped into a small pinch...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Umea 13 years ago
  • Recycle!!!

    Recycling is an important concern in Swedish society. In every kitchen of the country you will find several bags to separate the rubbish according to their materials. One of the facts that help this behaviour if that if you recycle certain container, your money will be...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Umea 13 years ago
  • Charcoal for the grill

    If you live here in Sweden, you will know that at the minimum opportunity of fine weather everyone like to go out in the nature and make their own barbeque. With difference to Spain, in Sweden there is not period when make barbeques in the nature are not allowed. The...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Umea 13 years ago
  • The vending machine

    In Sweden, if you want to buy certain articles – such as cigarettes, tobacco, shave blades, batteries, or condoms – most of the times you won’t find them in the supermarket. All this articles are usually selling in different parts in order to keep them away from...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Umea 13 years ago

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