How to roast peanuts in convection oven
The introduction
Well, in this article I want to tell you about eating peanuts and how I discovered how to eat them and now I use this method of eating the peanuts. It’s a very easy thing to do and I didn’t really think, that eating peanuts could be so fun and an easy thing to do.
You know, there has always been popular to eat those salted roasted peanuts in those cans and they would buy them and eat them while drinking beer and stuff like that and it was just a perfect thing for that, you know. my brother would mostly buy those salted peanuts if he wanted to drink some beer. And I must say, that those salted peanuts were not cheap and are not cheap now either. Those small cans halfway filled with peanuts just cost 2 laris or even more and it’s not cheap for that, if you ask me. And, while people really like eating peanuts or nuts, in general, buying those peanuts can not be a great idea, I mean, if you want to eat peanuts regularly or something like that. well, I have read, that eating nuts and peanuts and stuff like that can help you have a good looking skin and that’s why I thought, that it would be a great idea to have it at home and eat it whenever you feel like it, however, it’s not that simple to just have it at home and that’s why it’s not that comfortable eating those peanuts whenever you want.
You know, there used to be those people sitting somewhere in the streets with some roasted peanuts and sunflower seeds in front of them and they sold those things and that’s how they earned some money to take food at home to their families. They were almost everywhere and people used to buy those peanuts or sunflower seeds and they would eat them and that was pretty good, if you want to know the truth. They were nearby schools and they knew, that when pupils had breaks between the lessons, they would come out and buy those stuff and eat them and they earned some money from that, you know. nowadays you won’t’ meet them everywhere as you would some years ago, because the police forbids people to sell some things in the streets, or else they will get fined or something like that, so that these people are somewhere inside some archs or things like that and you can still see them and you can go to them and buy some roasted peanuts or sunflower seeds and eat them. And I remember, that one small glass of sunflower seeds cost 20 Tetris and a larger one cost 50 Tetris. And I don’t really remember about peanuts, however, it was a little bit more expensive, I guess. And people preferred buying those sunflower seeds to buying some peanuts and I don’t really know why.
Anyways, I guess, everyone knows, that there are people selling roasted peanuts on the beach in Georgia and everyone just knows that exact voices or sayings, that people say, when they have some roasted peanuts to sell or whatever. People usually buy those roasted peanuts on the beach and we used to buy it when we were on the beach, too, and we especially loved eating them there. And, besides, those roasted peanuts have those skins on them , which can be taken off very easily when they are roasted well, so that when we bought them and ate them on the beach, it was easy for us to take their skin off and not worry about whether we would throw those skins on the beach or not, because when you are in the street, then you shouldn’t throw them just wherever you want, and when you are sitting on the beach, you can throw the peanuts’ skin around. That’s not a good idea, of course, because that way you just pollute the water where you swim and stuff like that, you know, however, no one really cares about that when they are on the beach, I guess, and we didn’t’ care about that, either. And , to be honest, there are so many people on the beach, who just throw away stuff there and then they go into the water and swim and then, after some time, if there is some rain or whatever and the water becomes dirty and there are all those garbage things on the shores and everything, they get all upset and stuff and they say, that the water is so dirty, that they can not get in there, though it’s partly their fault, that the water is polluted and there are so many garbage things in there during the rain, but they don’t really understand that, I guess.
Well, anyways, eating peanuts was my goal and I wanted to have peanuts at home and so that I could regularly eat them whenever I wanted and, besides, I wanted to eat chocolate and sweets and things like that prepared from chocolate and cacao and everything and I read it somewhere on the Internet, that if you have an increased urge of eating chocolate, then you must have a magnesium deficiency and you can substitute that chocolate with nuts and seeds and stuff like that, so that was one of the main reasons why I decided to have peanuts eaten regularly, too. And that was the pretty strong reason to go against and I started looking for the ways to have some unsalted roasted peanuts at home. And everyone knows, that nuts and things like that are pretty expensive and I didn’t really want to spend too much money on them either, so I went to the supermarkets to see the prices and the conditions in which the peanuts were and things like that.
Well, first of all, I visited this Fresco supermarket, because they have many things there and, besides, they have some discounted prices and I thought, that I would find some peanuts there in good prices, and I wanted to find some peanuts, which wouldn’t be packed or something like that and which would be in those things, where they have things, that you can take how much you want and then just weigh them and take them to the cashier. The raw peanuts there cost somewhere about 1.60 laris a hundred grams, so that it didn’t really seemed to be very expensive comparing to other nuts and cashews there and that’s why I decided to have them bought and taken at home and then I would roast them and have them as something to eat and I could take them anywhere I wanted and eaten very easily and it wouldn’t get me dirty or something like that, and, besides, they are kind of nourishing and after eating some, you don’t really feel hungry anymore, rather, you feel satietied and you can kind of forget some chocolate, that you have cravings for.
So, if you want to have some larger peanuts for yourself, I know, that they have some in Carrefour supermarket and they have both of them there _ the large and the small ones and the large ones cost more, than the small ones and that’s not that good, however, the price is not that horrible and you can buy those ones and roasting them is easier, than the small ones and so that, I usually buy those large ones when I’m visiting Carrefour supermarket in East Point.
How to roast the peanuts
They used to roast peanuts on frying pans and they would have them put on a hot frying pan while on gas on a medium heat, I guess, and they would stir occasionally, so that the peanuts wouldn’t get burned and they would get roasted evenly and great. However, if you didn’t pay attention, they could get burned easily and then the taste wouldn’t be that good as it was supposed to be, of course.
I also roasted those peanuts that way some times and I got some of them burned, though they were not that burned, that they couldn’t be eaten.
After that, I paid much attention to the roasting peanuts, however, it was not that comfortable roasting peanuts in the frying pan in any way. So that, when we got this new convection oven, I got interested, whether I could roast the peanuts there and though I thought about it for quite some time, finally I decided, that I would put the peanuts in it and try having them roasted. Well, to tell you the truth, I thought, that it was not a good idea at first, and I was impatiently looking forward to passing some time, so that I would taste them and see, whether they were roasted or not.
I had the convection oven on 180 degrees Celsius for about a half an hour and then , after it was finished, I waited a little for the peanuts to get cooled down and then I tasted some of them and they were pretty much roasted and I was very glad about it. I mean, imagine having them into that frying pan and stirring them and worrying about not having them get burned or something like that! It’s just horrible. And with that convection oven, you can just put those peanuts on a steaming pan in there on a high rack and turn the convection oven on 180 or even more and have it like that for half an hour or so. If you turn up the degrees, then it will need less time, I guess. however, you should still kind of stir once, because that way the peanuts will get evenly roasted on every side.
Well, I really recommend you buying that convection oven and having peanuts roasted in it, because that’s a very easy and efficient way to roast the peanuts.
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Comments (1 comments)
I have not heard about this method, thanks, I will know. And then before you had to use only a pan