Places by Patricia

  • Colmar, the little Venice of Frence

    First objective was visited Cathedral Saint Martin, located on Grand Rue (street), a street with lots of shops, terraces, restaurants and houses extraordinarily beautiful. It is the greatest museums of Alsace, founded at the beginning of the twentieth century of XIII...

    0 , 9 years ago
  • Lucca summer festival

    GLI EVENTI IMPERDIBILI DELLA CITTÀ DI LUCCA - parte 3 IL LUCCA FILM FESTIVAL Un altro evento di assai più recente istituzione è il Lucca Film Festival. Purtroppo devo ammettere di non essere troppo ferrato in materia, però mi affido ai giudizi dati da alcuni amici...

    0 , 9 years ago

    GLI EVENTI IMPERDIBILI DELLA CITTÀ DI LUCCA - parte 2 IL LUCCA SUMMER FESTIVAL Un altro evento molto importante, ed in grado di richiamare grandi quantità di appassionati, è il Lucca Summer Festival. Si tratta di un festival di musica che ospita alcuni tra i più...

    0 , 9 years ago
  • Lucca - 1

    GLI EVENTI IMPERDIBILI DELLA CITTÀ DI LUCCA - parte 1 IL LUCCA COMICS & GAMES Lucca ospita ormai da anni vari eventi ormai famosi a livello nazionale ed internazionale. Probabilmente quello in grado di richiamare il maggior numero di persone è il Lucca Comics...

    0 , 9 years ago
  • “IL BAR MARIO”, inteso il Caffè Ristretto.

    “IL BAR MARIO”, inteso il Caffè Ristretto. Si tratta di un bar di recente apertura. Il titolare, appunto Mario, è un intenditore di alcolici tra i piú preparati, se non il più preparato che abbia conosciuto in vita mia. Offre nel suo locale una quantita...

    0 , 9 years ago
  • Lucca - 1

    “LA PICCOLA OSTERIA LUCCA DRENTO” Proseguendo nella mia rassegna de locali famosi per la vita notturna lucchese credo che un discorso a parte meriti a mio avviso, la “Piccola Osteria Lucca Drento”. Drento non è un errore di ortografia, ma semplicemente la...

    0 , 9 years ago

    Il PESCHINO ed il REWINE In questo secondo articolo sulla città di Lucca passero in rassegna alcuni dei locali chiave della movida locale. I primi che mi vengono in mente, all'interno del centro storico sono il Peschino, ufficialmente “Bar del Mercato” ubicato in...

    0 , 9 years ago
  • Lucca - 1

    IL TOUR DELLA TOSCANA PRIMA TAPPA: LUCCA Inizierò il mio tour ideale della Toscana, partendo da una meta poco conosciuta dal turismo di massa, ossia Lucca. La cittá di Lucca è uno dei capoluoghi di provincia della Toscana, una delle regioni piú affascinanti di...

    0 , 9 years ago
  • The restaurant Sakis

    Not all pubs are open for breakfast (that's why there are coffee shops), but after 12.00, during the day they change their destination a few times. It's a particular expertise in agreement. For Lunch e type self-service. Food varied, simple and in plain view will meet...

    0 , 9 years ago
  • Johnie Fox's Pub

    The most famous pub in Ireland; Johnnie Fox's Pub (Dublin] Pub-ul NR 1 in Dublin, "but I think from the Republic of Ireland, the one who is wanted by most of us tourists, but also by his fellow citizens, is called Johnnie Fox's Pub. It is seated in the south Dublinului,...

    0 , 9 years ago
  • Hofburg Palace

    Hofburg Palace, located in the center Vienna area, it's certainly one of the most popular tourist attractions of the city. Here we have made the tour imperial apartments, the museum's Collection and Sissi' and silversmiths' wares. The ticket for the 3 parties was 9.90...

    0 , 9 years ago
  • Temple apes

    Jaipur - the pink city … city that at the beginning there was gray, but the end of the century past, and on the same visit prince Albert, has been painted in pink as a sign of welcome. A sort of pink, more terracotta, darker, but finally, let's say pink ... the...

    0 , 9 years ago
  • Taj Mahal

    Unlike other monuments, Taj Mahal is thinking about take care of her: there is only with some part in electrical wiring, control at the gate is very thoroughly, but up and polluting factories and foundries around have been closed down to does not change original color...

    0 , 9 years ago
  • Madame Tussauds

    I don't know why, but also in London and Amsterdam the queues at the wax museum Madame Tussauds were interminable. At both museums we stayed about three hours before I joined. In London after about two hours waiting tail out, wait for 2 hours and two more hours...

    0 , 9 years ago
  • Golubac fortress

    I didn't know anything about them, but are not so many things to see in the world that I've never heard? Certainly, there are many, many! I am glad that this long list today was diminished by an item.  The Ram is on the banks of the Danube, in the village of Ram, 18 km...

    0 , 9 years ago
  • Museum of Borodino

    We landed at Domodedovo Airport. Moldovan pilots we went without a hitch, well done. The airport moved to town every 30 minutes a train Express ' Aeroexpres '. Do 40 minutes in the city. In fact these trains from all three airports serving Moscow (Sheremetievo,...

    0 , 9 years ago
  • Aquamarina Boat Hotel

    Having some business in Budapest, impossible to solve tasks in a single day, I needed a night and this hotel made me with the naked eye because long ago I wanted to sit on a floating hotel astel.  Initially I was clipped out of the fact that is specified as...

    0 , 9 years ago

    The Majesty and grandeur of Versailles attracted me always, but the spot have zarite outdone any imagination ... I don't think our visit to Paris would be complete without this move, I'd be stuck with the thought that something was missing...  To proceed, therefore, to...

    0 , 9 years ago
  • Botanic Garden

    Recently I returned from Granada, where, among other things, I decided to visit the famous botanical garden. Well, this botanical garden is an oasis of greenery in the city center, meaning a place where you can relax after you have gone through the madness of...

    0 , 9 years ago
  • La Sagrada Família

    The interior is special. It's very different from any church in which I was until now. It is very bright and airy. Gaudí was inspired from nature. In many of his works we find leaves, columns in the form of trees, etc. I had a closer look at the trees then. There are a...

    0 , 9 years ago
  • Disneyland

    February is the month with the most theoretically lower accommodation prices at Disneyland-if one may combine with an early booking, comes out well. Everything there is to know is what to ask for and insist for it, because there are agencies that offer just standard...

    0 , 9 years ago

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