Hello beautiful readers, today is all about a day trip I had together with my Erasmus friends. I will take you on a journey into a misterious and magestic but uncompleted castle, one in its kind I must say.
Why Kartuzy ?
As one fellow Erasmus was about to return to her hometown me and a group of people decided to have a day trip in a city called Kartuzy, not far from gdansk.
Transportation_From Gdansk there is a train directed to Kartuzy and if one has the student status (it will be necessary to show valide polish student card) can get a 50% discount on all trains in Poland so I paid 4zl. The train was a three wagon train very new and comfortable in the inside. Though I didn't sit for the whole train ride because I was enjoying a talk with a friend and at the same time I recovering from the sweaty adrenalin rush I had prior to geeting in the train. It all started early that same morning when I decided to garnish the cinnamon bread, I thought of bringing for the trip's picnic, with strawberries: I had to ran to the store to grab a pack of strawberries and prepare them to be spread on top of the days' dessert. All of this took more time than expected and as and as soon as I got to the train station I found out on the last minute that I had to run and change platform, barely making it thanks to my friends holding the door for me.

foto source:https://www.google.it/search
Museum_ The city offers a couple of museums and we decided to visit one which depiceted a typical kartusian household, opened on a Saturday. Once shown my student id card I was again eligble for a 50% discount on the entrane fee, 3 zl. The museum stretches over two floors and a basement which seemed like a very harsh environment during the long winter nights, where the cold temperatures show no mercy. The ground floor has large rooms exhibiting many of the day to day fishing utensils used by the locals including some objects which were puzzling and out of the box like a pair of giant shoes carved out from one piece of wood. On one side we found a room which offered refreshments like water, cookie and hot beverages and not knowing wether it was for the staff or for the guest visitors we refreshed ourselfs with what they offered. The upper floor has a typical household setup with a kitchen, dinning area, bedrooms and a sitting area which seemed like to me the perfect place to sit down after a long day of fishing and discussing on how it is getting harder everyday to fish large amounts of fish.

foto source: https://www.google.it/search
Lapalice Castle
What a meszmorising place it is, un unfinished castle in the middle of a very quiet green coutryside. Personally, I don't cnsider myself as a 'castleholic' (one that enjoys visiting castles :) but this one is something that goes beyond the ordinary understanding of a castle.

foto source: https://www.google.it/search
The most fascinating thing about Lapalice castle is that it gives you the chance to catch a glimpse on the behind the scenes of an unordinary construction: a castle. Often we visit castles with impeccable finishing, decorated ceilings, paintings hanging on the walls, expensive carpets on the floor, exclusive furniture and the dazzling lights illuminating large rooms with high ceilings. But this castle left unfinished doesn't offer much of this glamours, instead it is full of grafitied brick walls.
Thankyou for reading
p.s. If you want to check out a vlog about this day trip to Kartuzy and Lapalice castle feel free to follow this link to the one and only Nicola's Youtube channel.