Erasmus tips

  • How to pack the perfect suitcase for your Erasmus experience

    From Erasmusu we want your adventure abroad to be the only thing to be worried about and that you have zero stress when preparing your trip. Therefore, in this post we give you advice on how to prepare the perfect suitcase for your Erasmus experience. Packing your...

    1 , 3 years ago
  • A Complete Guide for IELTS Exam and FAQ Questions

    What is ielts? The international english learning testing system (ielts) is an exam designed to test individuals who want to move to foreign countries on their english skills. So, which countries need ielts for education? Countries like the usa, the uk, new zealand,...

    0 , 3 years ago
  • When getting ill gets in the way of your Erasmus plans

    We know that getting sick is never part of your plans, even less so when you are going to live the experience of a lifetime with your first Erasmus adventure. It is common to think that there is little chance that something could happen and ruin your Erasmus experience,...

    0 , 3 years ago
  • Secure your Erasmus trip with Iris Global and Erasmusu: 10% discount on your student travel insurance

    Are you going on Erasmus or to study abroad next term? Imagine living your adventure with no worries at all: exploring your destination city, making friends for life, going out, travelling with no restrictions… It seems almost impossible under these circumstances, but...

    0 , 3 years ago
  • The 2022 Ultimate Guide to Marrakech Top Experiences

    This quick read article is your ultimate 2021-2022 guide to Marrakech top experiences which you can do or explore in one day while visiting Morocco’s capital of the south aka the “Red City”.In this travel guide we will review: 1. The origin of the name “Red...

    0 , 3 years ago
  • Sustainable tourism: Tips for responsible travel

    If you feel discouraged after reading the IPCC 2021 report that states all the consequences that climate change will bring and want to contribute to making the world a better place, or if you are going to start making plans to travel during your Erasmus, you are in...

    0 , 3 years ago
  • Explore Machu Picchu

    TRIP OVERVIEWEmbark on a spectacular train ride to Machu Picchu and explore the fabled Inca citadel with a guide.Discover the archaeological treasures of the Sacred Valley, from the farming terraces of Moray to Pisac’s sprawling ruins.Take an exclusive tour of Parque...

    0 , 3 years ago
  • 5 key tips for a student to find a job

    As you will already well know, fitting into your timetable and finding time when there is precious little of it, makes finding a job as a student no walk in the park. However, thanks to these 5 tips I assure that you will find the best student job out there for you. We...

    2 , 3 years ago
  • Discover the best tips on how to travel cheap in Europe

    When I got the mobility grant to study in Bologna for a semester, one of the first things I thought, and that everyone said to me, was that it was going to cost a lot. However, doing the maths on the costs of the flight, accommodation, food, etc., I realised that there...

    0 , 3 years ago
  • The best Spanish beaches to visit during your Erasmus 2022

    What better way to cope with this intense summer 2022 than to visit the best beaches that Spain has to offer? After having asked our followers, we want to share with you the 10 best beaches in Spain, in their opinion, so that you can enjoy the summer in the most...

    0 , 3 years ago
  • Tips and advice for Murcia

    Tips and advice for living in or travelling around Murcia Managing your money in Murcia How to get to Murcia Neighbourhoods in Murcia Accommodation in Murcia Food and restaurants in Murcia Nights out in Murcia Transport in Murcia What to see and do in Murcia Trips and...

    0 , 3 years ago
  • What's better: Online or face-to-face learning?

    As blended learning and online courses are taking place more and more, thus the debate about which is better, face-to-face or virtual learning, is becoming more and more the order of the day. Various educational authorities approve the use of this method from higher...

    0 , 3 years ago
  • English, Erasmus and 12 phrases that will help you on more than one occasion

    Let's set the scene, you've just arrived at your Erasmus destination to begin one of the most exciting experiences of your life (no, the pandemic isn't going to stop you!), but there's a few worries that you can't seem to get out of your head... How am I going to...

    0 , 3 years ago
  • European Health Insurance Card: do you need it for your Erasmus?

    Finally, the time has come! Your course is finished, it's summer and you've practically got one foot in your Erasmus destination city already. While you are preparing everything, you may wonder what would happen if you needed to go to the doctor during your stay abroad...

    0 , 3 years ago
  • Do you already know about the best tools to study online for free?

    Do you like working online or studying from home? Or perhaps you hate technology and studying online has become your worst nightmare? With these tools for distance learning, you'll get the the most out of the hours you spend in front of the computer. If you're planning...

    0 , 3 years ago
  • From the city to the village, this is the new rural Erasmus

    This 2021/2022 academic year begins with new developments that you're going to want to hear, because the new Erasmus is here to stay: let's go on rural Erasmus! To give you an idea, you'd spend between 3 and 5 months and receive close to €1000 living in provinces with...

    1 , 3 years ago
  • Tips for your Vegan Erasmus Trip: The Definitive Guide 2021

    After completing all of the paperwork before one of the most important adventures of your life, you already have your Erasmus trip organised! We are so happy that you have decided to study abroad, you won't regret it! If you also live an animal cruelty free life, you...

    0 , 3 years ago
  • Discover the best, post-COVID travel destinations

    Hello everybody! In this post, we are going to analyze which are the best cities and countries to go to as an Erasmus student from a post-COVID point of view, because along with many other parts of our lives that it has completely changed, COVID has changed the way in...

    0 , 3 years ago
  • Tips for travelling the world with coronavirus: the definitive guide 2021

    With all that is going right now surely, the last thing you are thinking about is travelling, no matter how much you want it. Finding accommodation, the ideal transport, thinking of all the possible situations that may happen... All that is over! Although for now, we...

    0 , 3 years ago
  • Which are the best universities in Europe?

    Have you been waiting for months for the situation to get better to study at one of the best universities in Europe, but you still don't know which one suits you best? Don’t worry! In this post, you will find out which European university in the global top best suits...

    0 , 3 years ago

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