Duyen N
- Current city:
- Villanueva de la Cañada
- City of birth:
- Host university:
- Home university:
Duyen activity
3rd Nov: Dude, where’s my wallet?
Surely, you have heard about the crazy Erasmus parties. But to be honest, it isn’t all about having fun, travelling around, and meeting new people. We also went to classes on hot summer days, drank liters of coffee to survive the endless morning speeches after the...
Villanueva de la Cañada
… was already known under the name La Despernada or Espernada in the sixteenth century. During that time it was a residence for the royal class that used the property as a hunting ground. Much later in 1870 Villanueva de la Cañada counted 496 inhabitants,...
2nd Nov: ESN Breaking World Record
50 nations were gathering at one place in Oviedo having only one mission. The streets were full of students, camera teams and snack stands but let’s start from the beginning. Meeting point at 09:00 a.m. in Villanueva Half sleep walking, because I had...
Below you can see our coordinator Sergio. Luckily he didn’t notice that I took a picture of him while he was searching for nice offers that he could afford with my money in front of him, 10€ for the ESN trip and the rest in his pocket. Don’t worry!...
Halloween With Madridance
Darkness, evil creatures and Latin music. In the picture below you can see a few of us dancing in the underworld while the rest was busy with torturing the mortals. Unfortunately, it was the last night for Charly the Chicken. The witches...
Life Is A Dance Floor
As soon as I listen to Salsa music I feel the rhythm in my whole body and can’t stop to dance. It’s a great feeling. And it’s great to see how it affects other people. When I lived in Groningen, we had some Salsa sessions in our living room after dinner. Even my...
How to get students to class at 8:30 a.m.
One morning in the dark. Beep. Beep beep. Beep beep beep. Snooze. 5 minutes later snooze again. Cuddling the alarm clock that it can’t beep again. The second alarm clock rings that was hidden in the wooden cupboard only for the purpose to get out of my cosy bed. A...
Español: Poco A Poco
¡Hola! ¿Como estás? Me llamo Duyen. Is what I learned at uni. And in Spain? Little by little I learned ¡Joder! ¡Coño! Extremely “useful” expressions that you will hear in almost every second or third sentence meaning F*** and S***. Of course, I try not to use...
Classes and Lecturers at UAX
Lights on. Computer on. Beamer on. Let’s get the show started! The lecturer enters the room, goes to his desk on a stage and rocks the class with smartmusic in the background. Sometimes he jumps down and runs through the crowd of students, just to wake them up. Well,...
First Weeks at UAX - How to Start
New faces, thousand names, an endless labyrinth, millions of open questions, and everything in Spanish. What to do first? Lean back and chill out! Or better wake up and go out! Right after the Introduction Day, you can choose to discover Madrid yourself or join the ESN...
Butterflies In My Tummy
Slowly the sun approached the earth, almost leaning at the back of the long mountain range close to Villanueva de la Cañada. The balmy rays of sun touched my skin, and wind was grazing through my long black hair. Around me, relaxing reggae sounds, and these...
¡ESN cómo mola, se merece una ola!
September 22, 2012 This is a typical slogan of the student organization ESN UAX sung by ESN students. Literally, it means ‘ ESN so cool, it deserves a wave! ’ Translated it doesn’t sound as cool as in Spanish but I think the idea is clear when you imagine a whole...
Goodbye my friends! / ¡Hola mis amigos!
September 6, 2012 To be honest, I am not a friend of saying goodbye but in this case I was really happy to do so. Why? Having finished my second study year, I returned home to Germany, enjoyed my vacation, and on a beautiful sunny day it was time to say goodbye … to...
Me, Myself, and I
¡Hola and a sunny welcome to Duy'N'España! I am DUYEN and will keep you posted about my life in Spain ;) Before I tell you who I am, what I do, and why I started Duy'N'España, I try to explain the right pronunciation of my name to you because it’s a typical...