Published by flag- Duyen N — 12 years ago

Blog: Duy'N'España
Tags: Erasmus scholarships

    Below you can see our coordinator Sergio.


    Luckily he didn’t notice that I took a picture of him while he was searching for nice offers that he could afford with my money in front of him, 10€ for the ESN trip and the rest in his pocket. Don’t worry! Actually I paid the 4-day trip to South Spain that includes some meals, accommodation and special activities. But I’ll tell you later more about it because we’ll go on 6thDecember.

    This is only one of the many activities that ESN UAX organizes for an unforgettable time at UAX. A bunch of cool coordinators from Spain and different study programs support foreign students before and during their studies at Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio. They’ll help you out wherever they can.

    If you are hungry and haven’t had breakfast, you’ll go to their office (despacho) A269, in Building A, one stairway up, just above the main entrance. Fill your stomach with cereals or take a hot coffee. Or if you want to warm up a meal, they also have a microwave waiting for you. Besides you can also just drop by when you want to chat, or if you are tired from the lessons and need a couch to chill out. “Feel like home” is the motto.

     Depending on the shift of each coordinator, the office hours change. You can check the facebook group that you’ll probably join before coming to UAX.

    On the main website you can read more about the ESN activities that change from week to week. There is always something to do, like:

  • International Dinner
  • Parties in Villanueva de la Cañada and Madrid
  • Theme parties:
    • Hat Party
    • Nerd Party
    • Pajama Party
  • Travels to:
    • Zaragoza
    • Salamanca
    • All around Spain
  • Sports
    • Soccer, Volleyball etc.

And many many more. Wait for it! ;)

    Under Erasmus 2012/2013 you learn more about the accommodations in and around Madrid, transportation, UAX, O.R.I. and the ESN UAX card.


    In the next posts I’ll tell you about some ESN travel experiences that I won’t forget in my life.


Hasta luego muchachos y besitooos!



P.S.: Check out the post “¡ESN COMO MOLA SE MERECE UNA OLA!” if you want to know more about the first 10 days with ESN UAX. 

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