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Erasmus experiences Groningen

  • 8 / 10 points

    Experience in Groningen, Netherlands by Παναγιώτης

    What is it like to live in Groningen? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? There are 50.000 students. This already says a lot. A very student-friendly city with a lot of pubs bars and clubs. There are many international students and everyone speaks...

    0 , 3 years ago
  • 10 / 10 points

    Erasmus Experience in Groningen, Netherlands by Marie

    Why did you choose to go to Groningen, Netherlands? Unique classes were offered for study abroad. The school had a good reputation and a positive relationship with my home university. Source How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with...

    0 , 4 years ago
  • 8 / 10 points

    Erasmus Experience in Groningen, Netherlands by Fran

    Why did you choose to go to Groningen, Netherlands? I was looking for a destination with a good level of English and good education. How long does the bursary last? How much money did you receive as support? The bursary lasts 7 months although my stay is for 10 months...

    0 , 4 years ago
  • 9 / 10 points

    Discovering the Netherlands

    I was fortunate enough to complete my Erasmus in Groningen, a small university city in the north of the Netherlands. Groningen is mainly a university city, full of international students, as well as exchange and full time students. This makes most of the city's...

    0 , 4 years ago
  • 8 / 10 points

    My Erasmus Experience in Groningen, The Netherlands. By Miguel.

    Why did you choose to go to Groningen, Netherlands? I chose Groningen because I wanted to go to Holland but I didn't want a big city like Amsterdam, the university was well known and because on a website they spoke very well about it. source How long is the...

    0 , 5 years ago
  • 7 / 10 points

    Erasmus Experience in Groningen, Netherlands by Teresa

    How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs? It's a semester long. I’ve received 1250 €. Source Would you recommend the city and the University of Groningen to other students? Yes, it’s a city with plenty of students....

    0 , 5 years ago
  • 7 / 10 points

    Erasmus in Groningen (the Netherlands)

    "What's Groningen on? " I am actually in Groningen now, taking my "Minors" course called "Capability Approach" at the Hanze University. I am happy, I could not have chosen a better destination. Source Hanza University The different faculties are scattered around the...

    0 , 5 years ago
  • 8 / 10 points

    Brits Abroad: A Guide to Being a Brit in The Netherlands

    Let me just start by saying that moving to The Netherlands to study is, by far, one of the best decisions I have ever made. Coming from a very international background, I always knew that I wanted to move abroad when I graduated high school; the same as my mother,...

    0 , 6 years ago
  • 8 / 10 points

    Erasmus Experience in Groningen, Netherlands by Jin

    Why did you choose to go to Groningen, Netherlands? It is one of the destinations of my Erasmus Mundus master's course. University of Groningen has a strong research profile in the field that I'm studying in, and that's why I chose to attend this program.How long is the...

    0 , 6 years ago
  • 8 / 10 points

    Erasmus Experience in Groningen, Netherlands by Inês

    Why did you choose to go to Groningen, Netherlands? I choosed Groningen because i always wanted to do an exchange programme in Netherlands and the RUG was well recommended in my area of study. I also had good recommendations from friends and other students that went...

    0 , 6 years ago
  • 6 / 10 points

    Erasmus Experience in Groningen, Netherlands by Adeline

    Why did you choose to go to Groningen, Netherlands? I chose Groningen because I found my internship near this city. I could live in an other city but I knew people who were living in Groningen and they told me that it is a nice city to live in where you can meet a lot...

    0 , 6 years ago
  • 8 / 10 points

    How it feels to be in Groningen

    Groningen: My lifetime experience! It was August, some years ago, when I first arrived in Groningen. I still remember getting off the train, with a map in my hands, looking for my new home location. I would spend 6 months in that city for my Erasmus studies and...

    0 , 6 years ago
  • 6 / 10 points

    Experience in Groningen, Netherlands by Jordanka

    What is it like to live in Groningen? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? Very chill city. Has a small town energy with a lot of students. Everyone owns a bike. Cute canals. It's a really cool place to study and live. Source What is the student lifestyle...

    0 , 6 years ago
  • 9 / 10 points

    Divided By Boundaries, United By Emotions

    Name: Utkarsh Dalmia Home University: School of Communication, Manipal University, Karnataka, India. Registration Number: 150701166 Host University: Dept. of Communication & IT, Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen, The Netherlands. Registration Number:...

    0 , 6 years ago
  • 9 / 10 points

    Experience in Groningen, Netherlands by Mijke

    Source What is it like to live in Groningen? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? I like living in Groningen a lot. It is like living in a pretty big city, but with a village feel. When the weather is great, you'll see everybody just chilling in the sun. This...

    0 , 7 years ago
  • 8 / 10 points

    Experience in Groningen, Netherlands by Frederique

    Source What is it like to live in Groningen? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? Living in Groningen is like love at first sight. Everyone is welcoming and there is so much to do and to see. I would definitely recommend living in Groningen, especially for...

    0 , 7 years ago
  • 9 / 10 points

    Erasmus Experience in Groningen, Netherlands by Yuliia

    Source What is the student lifestyle like in Groningen? Groningen is a perfect city for the students. There are a lot of comfortable places for study at the University of Groningen and its library. The library is amazing, here you will find all that you need for making...

    0 , 7 years ago
  • 9 / 10 points

    The best destination you could choose

    Why did you choose Groningen, the Netherlands? I definitely wanted to go to The Netherlands. It was a country I was really attracted to. I realised it was the place where I wanted to live my Erasmus experience the minute I searched information about Groningen...

    0 , 7 years ago
  • 9 / 10 points

    Erasmus Experience in Groningen, Netherlands by Edith

    Why did you choose to go to Groningen, Netherlands? Because I love Netherlands and his people!How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs? My scholarship is 5 months. I received too little money for live hereWhat is the...

    0 , 7 years ago
  • 7 / 10 points

    Experience in Groningen, The Netherlands by Pedro

    Why did you choose Groningen, The Netherlands? Because I wanted to go to an uncommon Erasmus destination. How long was your scholarship? How much money you were given? I had an scholarship during one semester in 2010 and I was given 900 euros per month. But you have to...

    0 , 7 years ago

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