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Erasmus Experience in Groningen, Netherlands by Teresa

How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs?

It's a semester long. I’ve received 1250 €.

Experiencia Erasmus en Groninga, Países Bajos de Teresa Source

Would you recommend the city and the University of Groningen to other students?

Yes, it’s a city with plenty of students. There is such a good ambience, with a lot of parties, a big variety of sports, good gastronomy with vegan and vegetarian options... it definitely is a city made for students.

Experiencia Erasmus en Groninga, Países Bajos de Teresa Source

Did it cost you to find your accommodation in Groningen?

It’s the worst part of Groningen. It’s very, very difficult to find accomodation there.

How much does it cost to live in Groningen?

It’s a little bit expensive (maybe 700 € per month?).

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