Erasmusu Blog

flag- Juan Álvarez — 4 people follow the author

Blog posts

  • Winners of the Open Erasmus Competition contest!

    After 5 months of awesome participation we have the winners of the Open Erasmus Competition. It’s incredible the amount of useful content we have received from all participants. The future Erasmus generations will be really grateful! Thank you very much to all...

    0 , in General 12 years ago
  • Oportunidad de esponsorizar un concurso en Erasmusu

    El pasado 17 de febrero terminó el concurso a nivel europeo que teníamos activo en Erasmusu. Ha sido algo realmente épico. Nuevo concurso y nueva oportunidad de esponsorización Dado el éxito que ha tenido, hemos decidido volver a repetir el lanzamiento de un...

    0 , in General 12 years ago
  • How To Call Home Really Cheap In Europe While Abroad

    When you are considering spending a semester abroad as a student there are so many things to consider. What should you take with you? Where will you live? How will you get around? What things are there to see? What will you do if you get lonely? And just how cheaply can...

    0 , in General 11 years ago
  • Start a new life at your Erasmus destination with People Global Relocation

    Today we have something really interesting for you: People Global Relocation, a company that will help you solve all those problems and concerns when you start a new life at your Erasmus destination.  They help you to find the accommodation that best suits your needs...

    0 , in General 11 years ago
  • How to survive during your Erasmus with Linguago

    If you obtained an Erasmus scholarship and you have the possibility to continue your studies abroad and to live an amazing experience that probably will change your life. Are you excited? Yes! And scared to death too. Well, don’t worry, it's normal to be scared before...

    0 , in General 7 years ago
  • 5 reasons why being an au pair is definitely worth it

    You want to go abroad, get to know a new culture and language but you‘re not quite sure how to do it? Maybe being an au pair would be just the right option for you? Here are 5 reasons why being an au pair is definitely worth it. 1. All-inclusive-package: A new...

    0 , in General 6 years ago
  • Car Rental Tips

    So you’re participating in Erasmus for a semester in a different country and want to experience all that it has to offer. It’s natural to assume that as a student, renting a car isn’t an option for you. Au contraire, renting a car may be the way to make use of...

    1 , in General 5 years ago
  • Welcome to Erasmusu

    No more messing around with preparations before going to study abroad. Welcome to Erasmusu, the world's largest online community for students in mobility, the solution to your problems! Let's start with the basics, what is Erasmusu and what is its vision? Erasmusu is a...

    0 , in Erasmus news 16 years ago
  • Can not find your university or some city?

    Hi guys! We are starting to send more invitations to all those people who have asked for an invitation. Some of you have reported us that you couldn't find your university or a specific city, so we can search the needed information and add it to our database. How can...

    5 , in Erasmus news 16 years ago
  • Why Erasmusu stills in private beta?

    As most of you may know Erasmusu is in private beta, which means that only people who have been invited can register into the site. Some of you are asking us why, so here you have answer. Cokidoo is the (very) early startup behind Erasmusu and we are testing all the...

    8 , in Erasmus news 15 years ago
  • Server upgrade and new upload system for images

    Hi there guys! Yesterday we have finished the upgrade of the new server and we hope it works well enough for the coming months. We are near 1000 users and it seems that we need more power to mantain the application. In the other hand we have finished and already...

    1 , in Erasmus news 15 years ago
  • Wanted work placement international students of Journalism, Tourism and Image and Sound for

    The company Cokidoo Studios  is looking for international interns for work placement internships (Leonardo, Socrates, Erasmus Work Placement, etc.) in Murcia (Spain) in the project, a social network focused on Erasmus and exchange students: ...

    0 , in Erasmus news 15 years ago
  • Happy New Year!

    Erasmusu wishes you a happy and prosperous New Year wherever you are. We hope the Erasmus spirit will go with you in 2010 and you will achieve all your purposes! Erasmusu te desea un Féliz y Próspero Año Nuevo allí donde estés. ¡Esperamos que el espíritu...

    3 , in Erasmus news 15 years ago
  • Erasmusu more open to the world with ESN Spain

    On the one hand, we have just launched our new main page. As you can see, it is by far more much open and friendly. I think we were not properly showing to the world all the content that our users were creating: cities and universities experiences, public photo...

    0 , in Erasmus news 15 years ago
  • Tell us about your ERASMUS EXPERIENCE and win a TRIP to IBIZA

    Tell us about your ERASMUS EXPERIENCE and win a TRIP to IBIZA with more than 2000 other international students! Would you like to win a trip to Ibiza for 4 nights, together with over 2000 other international students? To participate, you simply have to tell us ...

    2 , in Erasmus news 15 years ago
  • Winners of the Experiences contest

    Finally we have the winners! It has been really hard to choose between all the reviews because you have sent us more than 60 experiences in 5 different languages and all of them of great quality. Thank to all you for participate and congratulations to the winners! ...

    0 , in Erasmus news 14 years ago
  • Erasmus Experience Contest: Tell us about your Erasmus experience and win a trip to Ibiza

    Tell us about your Erasmus experience and be in with a chance to win a trip to Ibiza with more than 2500 other international students ! Would you like to win a trip to Ibiza for 5 nights, together with over 2500 other international students? To participate, you...

    3 , in Erasmus news 14 years ago
  • Erasmus Programme

    European Region Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students ERASMUS is the EU's flagship education and training programme enabling 200.000 students to study and work abroad each year. In addition, it funds co-operation between higher education institutions...

    0 , in Erasmus scholarships 14 years ago
  • What are the SICUE programme and the Seneca grants?

    Among the different student mobility programmes, there is the SICUE programme, the mobility programme for Spanish students interested in a change of scenery to study at another Spanish university. What does the SICUE programme consist of? We could say that the SICUE...

    0 , in Erasmus scholarships 14 years ago
  • Erasmus Work Placement

    Student mobility for placements enables students at higher education institutions to spend a placement (traineeship/internship) period between 3 months and 12 months in an enterprise or organisation in another participating country. What are the objectives of student...

    0 , in Erasmus scholarships 14 years ago

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