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Erasmus Semester in Malta from University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria.

Blog posts

  • Erasmus End of Term Report

    I spent my 3rd semester of MSc in Innovation and Product Management on an exchange semester in University of Malta. The course was very much similar to the masters course we do in Austria and was called a master in Creativity and Innovation with special focus on...

    0 , in Erasmus blog UM 10 years ago
  • Pavilion the chinese restaurant

    today was the New Year's Day, and everything in Malta was  to  closed except a Chinese restaurant called pavilion  after a long day yesterday. I was really tired today morning and got up a bit late, after getting a spooked by parents wished happy New Year and send...

    0 , in General 11 years ago
  • Mdina the silent city

    It is a city which is more than 4000 years old, it is very fascinating to visit. Because of the cultural and religious issues, it has various names in the name of the rulers and it is also called the noble city; it has been ruled by various people and I was really...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Malta 11 years ago
  • General information about Malta

    Malta is a Mediterranean country which lies very close to Sicily and Italy on the north and has Libya to the south, it is a very densely populated country : experiences in this country has been very unique, the capital of Malta is  Valetta. Malta has got two official...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Malta 11 years ago
  • the city of Msida

    Msida is the city in Malta, where the universities located, Malta is not such a big place, but still you find a lot of cities,my experiences in Malta have been very interesting and especially in Msida because I spend most of my time near the Universityand I also live...

    0 , in Erasmus blog UM 11 years ago
  • Walk Around University of Malta

    Today I went around the University taking pictures of the various places around the University , The university which is located near the skate park, looks like an archeological building but has a lot of things which we can look around and explore, it has a bank and a...

    0 , in Erasmus blog UM 11 years ago
  • First Day at UOM - St Geroge's Bay

    The first day at the University of Malta was very interesting, There was a fresher's week going on for all the students including the Erasmus students, Everything from mobile connection to a bus pass was available at the fresher's fair. Went around the university and...

    0 , in Erasmus news 11 years ago
  • Things to carry for an Exchange Semester to Malta

    Pictures. Bring pictures of family and friends that you can look at whenever you get homesick. Source No need to carry an international Sim. The reason for this is that in most of the countries the SIM cards are given free of charge and also activated immediately (I...

    0 , in Erasmus tips 11 years ago
  • Some Tips from personal experience for to survive while studying as an Erasmus Student in Malta

    Erasmus Semester in Malta is an exciting time which I am looking forward to. I am Manish Abraham these are a few tips that should help you to get adjusted in the new atmosphere. This is something I wrote from my experience of being an International student in Austria...

    0 , in Erasmus tips 11 years ago
  • Preparation and Processing of Application for University of Malta

    Preparing for the exchange began with researching about the possible countries for exchage then began the process for applying for the exchange, by filling in an online form at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria by giving first three options for an...

    0 , in Erasmus tips 11 years ago

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