Mdina the silent city

Published by flag-at Manish Abraham — 6 years ago

Tags: flag-mt Erasmus blog Malta, Malta, Malta

It is a city which is more than 4000 years old, it is very fascinating to visit. Because of the cultural and religious issues, it has various names in the name of the rulers and it is also called the noble city; it has been ruled by various people and I was really impressed by them.


There is audiovisual journey which you can visit in 30 minutes. They will show you the places around. This city was the capital city of Malta in the 16th century, before Valletta became the capital.

The Greeks have also been to Medina, Roman governors also build palaces, the apostle St Paul's lived there.

Our journey to Mdina was an interesting one. We started from the University as to meet the other students and went across the whole city. We went from the University by bus, which reached Medina in around half an hour. This half an hour was the most wonderful times because we could see things around Malta, which is filled with green farms around a beautiful lake which passes through an irrigation canal for the farms around. Mdina has a beautiful big gate which stops the vehicles from entering. The vehicles actually are parked outside and you can walk inside. There is a very big cathedral in the entry. We can see that there are various shops. The organisation which took us had actually organised a game in which they gave us various sites of Mdina, which we had to explore as groups. Because we were in groups we were more excited about learning about the city, running across it, asking people, looking for clues, looking for places like telephone box, just opposite the Cathedral or maybe the view from the whole city from the main halls.


The whole city looks as if it will dissapoint you, but it is said that it is one of the most oldest cities of Malta, as I told you before. There are a lot of movies which have been filmed in Mdina, for example Christopher Columbus was made there. This was one of the things we came to know because of the game, they asked this question which movie was shot in the city of Mdina. The city of Mdina is also known for a very beautiful restaurant. I will be giving you the review of that restauraunt on the next blog.

Now, let's understand why people go to the city of Mdina. But before that, let me explain you that we have to prevent out in a Maltese to be too happy. They like to have tea and biscuits in the same way the British have tea. This is something which the Maltese have inherited from the British. Mdina is made up of big limestone rocks because limestone is available in large amounts all across Malta. The next thing that we had to understand is the climate; Mdina has got a lot of agricultural fields around because of the climate and the soil around Mdina that, though being rocky, is very fertile.


There are more things in the whole city like the city has got a certain number of dustbins, which has a historical significance. The old walls of the city are still under construction, because they have degraded in this period of time. Normally, I think there were three gates, but only two of them are open now. Also, there are various buses to the city centre in the capital of Malta, connecting Mdina. This makes Mdina a very travel friendly place. There are very different kind of buses which look like train in Mdina.

A lot of tourists come to visit Mdina because of the cultural history and the stories in here.

If you visit Malta Mdina is a must watch city because it looks like a city of paradise and it is filled with haunted stories. This city is also known for a lot of glass manufacturers, they build a lot of useful glass-based gifts for people which can be bought at very cheap prices.

There are these red buses which the people all around Malta, they have a special halt in Mdina, so that people can visit it.



Mdina is also known for the dungeons and there is also a place where you can see the whole Knights of St. John standing portraits.


About Me (Manish Abraham):I am pursuing MSc. in Engineering in Innovation and Product Management from University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, which involves Holistic integration of marketing, design and technology, combined with strategic thinking in order to develop product innovations in a sustainable way. Presently on an Erasmus Exchange semester at the University of Malta. To read more about me click here or just view my video resume.

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