flag-es Jorge Soto Almela

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Activité de Jorge

  • Expérience

    Barcellona - Bcn - Barça...

    L’anno scorso in agosto sono stata un mese a Barcellona. Non avevo programmato nulla ed è stato uno dei migliori periodi della mia vita: festa, mare, lavoro al Hard Rock Caffè, festa ancora...Abitavo in un appartamento bruttissimo a El Raval, ma è valsa la pena...

  • Expérience

    Barcelona - Bcn - Barça...

    En agosto del año pasado estuve un mes en Barcelona. No tenía nada planeado y resultó ser una de las mejores épocas de mi vida: fiesta, playa, trabajo en el Hard Rock Café, fiesta…Vivía en un piso horroroso en El Raval, pero mereció la pena porque conocí a...

  • Expérience

    Padova, “a big village”

    Padova is a suitable place for your Erasmus stay. It is not a big city and that is exactly the reason why you will feel very welcome. You will enjoy walking and watching its beautiful buildings and also riding a bicycle through its cobbled streets. That is exactly one...

  • Expérience


    It is not easy to adapt to life in Catania. The city is a little bit chaotic, like all the South of Italy. Don’t worry about that, you will get used to Catania soon and you will enjoy its nights and its streets, always full of people. In that sense, the atmosphere is...

  • Expérience

    The Best City I Have Ever Been

    London is the capital of both England and the United Kingdom. It is located in the South of the island of Great Britain. It is the biggest and the most cosmopolitan city of Europe and the second one for its number of inhabitants after Paris. I was in London for three...

  • Expérience

    My trip to Malaga in Holy Week, fried fish, Gibralfaro, Alcazaba (Arab fortress)

    First of all, I would like to say that I am going to tell you my experience from my point of view, that is, a traveller who was only two days in Malaga. Malaga is a great city halfway between Murcia and Granada (it is not so big, good weather, good prices, tasty...

  • Expérience

    Manchester, another world

    I did my Erasmus programme in Manchester (UK) during the academic year 2006-2007 and I have to say that it was the laziest year of my life. Manchester is basically a university city where you can always find some bar to take a good pint. The weather is usually rainy,...

  • Expérience

    Land I’ve been dreaming about

    What can I say about my homeland? Granada or “Graná” is wonderful; it has all you need! I am going to explain it to you point by point: Parties: any excuse is good to celebrate a party in Granada, you have millions of choices: Erasmus parties, faculty parties,...

  • Expérience


    Amiens è una città “a scala umana”. Il centro città è molto “movimentato” con la via “Trois Cailloux”, dove si trovano tutti i negozi. È anche una città “verde” (è normale perché piove spesso!): il Parco Saint Pierre dove gli sportivi corrono,...

  • Expérience


    Amiens es una ciudad “a escala humana”. Un centro-ciudad “vivo” con la calle “Trois Cailloux”, en la que se encuentran los comercios. Es también una ciudad verde (algo normal, pues ¡llueve a menudo!): el Parque Saint Pierre al que los deportistas van a...

  • Expérience

    My village!

    Los de San Pedro somos la ostia, viva la madre que nos parió. Y el padre pijo que nos bendijo, que era más grande que Salomón!! […] This is the local anthem of my village: San Pedro del Pinatar. It is a beautiful village flanked by two seas (Mediterranean and Menor...

  • Expérience

    Beautiful city, especially in summer

    Huelva is a nice and friendly city. It is beautiful and it has its own charm, but pollution and chemical pole make it worse. It is a really nice city because of its beaches; some of them are the best beaches of Spain such as Matalascañas, Mazagón, Punta Umbría…...

  • Expérience

    So I decided to go to Brazil

    I was looking for a city to do my Erasmus programme when I found the ILA scholarship to Porto Alegre, so I decided to go there. To tell the truth, the experience was incredible; Brazilian culture and people are very friendly and welcoming. The South area of Brazil has...

  • Expérience

    Thousand adventures, Birmingham

    It is said that heavy-metal music was born in Birmingham, since bands like Judas Priest and Black Sabbath were formed in this city. If we are interested in other kind of music, like reggae music, we will find that other groups such as the UB-40 are also “brummies”...

  • Expérience

    Vigo-Galizia qualità

    Ciao a tutti:Non partecipo a nessun programma di scambio di studenti a Vigo, ma abito qui da 23 anni, che sono i miei anni. Mi piace parlare della mia città perché, dal mio punto di vista, non c’è un’altra città migliore da abitare.La prima cosa e che sono...

  • Expérience

    Vigo-Galicia quality

    Hello everybody:I am not taking part in any student exchange programme in Vigo; I have been living here since 23 years and that is my current age. I love talking about my city because, from my point of view, it is the best city to live.The first aspect and, what is...

  • Expérience

    Città bellissima

    Melilla è una città bellissima e, a sua volta, abbastanza sconosciuta. È un enclave spagnolo situato nel Nord dell’Africa e fa frontiera con il Marocco. Il suo clima è mediterraneo, con temperature miti, scarse precipitazioni e abbastanza umido.Ci sono tre opzioni...

  • Expérience

    Beautiful city

    Melilla is a beautiful but an unknown city. It is a Spanish enclave located in the North of Africa and it borders on Morocco. It boasts a Mediterranean climate with soft temperatures and scant precipitation, but with a lot of humidity.You have three options to arrive in...

  • Expérience

    Granada, il gioiello della Spagna

    Non sbaglio si dico che Granada è una delle città più belle della Spagna. Ha qualcosa di speciale. Puoi visitare grandi monumenti storici come La Alhambra o Il Duomo e puoi sentire parte della storia della Spagna. Sierra Nevada è molto vicina, dove puoi praticare...

  • Expérience

    Granada, the treasure of Spain

    I am right if I say that Granada is one of the most beautiful cities of Spain. It has something special. You can visit amazing historical monuments like “La Alhambra” or the Cathedral, and at the same time you can be part of the Spanish history. “Sierra Nevada”...

  • Expérience

    Visita ai miei amici

    Città antica con incanto, molto economica ed universitaria. Il clima è molto simile a quello del Sud della Spagna e le spiaggie sono impressionanti. La città è situata su un colle, quindi puoi salire alla parte più alta e vederla tutta. O puoi salire alla Torre...

  • Expérience

    Visit to my friends

    An old city with charm, a very cheap city with a university atmosphere. Its weather is very similar to the weather in the South Spain and its beaches are amazing. The city is located on a large hill, so you can go up to the top and see an incredible view of the whole...

  • Expérience

    Erasmus a Duisburg

    È un bel posto per fare l’Erasmus, non il migliore ma sicuramente è abbastanza per vivere l’esperienza Erasmus in quattro o nove mesi. Anche se non è la città più bella del mondo, è molto vicina a Düsseldorf (meno di trenta minuti in treno), Colonia, Bonn......

  • Expérience

    Erasmus in Duisburg

    Duisburg is a nice place to do the Erasmus programme. Maybe it is not the best place but enough to live the Erasmus experience for 4 or 9 months. Although Duisburg is not the most beautiful city all over the world, it is very near Düsseldorf (less than 30 minutes by...

  • Expérience

    My city

    What can I say about Murcia? Ok, I am from Murcia, but I have also visited other university cities. The student atmosphere and the university life make Murcia a perfect place to spend your Erasmus stay: the transport; it is not a too big city; it offers a wide range of...

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