Petra K.

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Places by Petra

  • Foster's Hollywood

    Although I have finished the “my favourite places to eat out in Salamanca” series, there is still one restaurant I wanted to write about. The reason why it did not made it to my list is that I have been there only one single time, which is not enough time to call it...

    0 , 8 years ago
  • Bar Cios

    Today I am brining probably the last post of “My favourite place to eat in Salamanca” series. Not like there are not many other good bars and restaurant in the city, but these are the ones we keep going back to all the time. The fifth contestant is a small tapas par...

    0 , 9 years ago
  • Cervecería La Sureña

    There are still a couple of places on “my favourite places to eat in Salamanca” list, and this time, I’m bringing a brief review on the restaurant chain called Cervecería La Sureña. The first time I visited it was on the south of Spain, during the first summer I...

    0 , 9 years ago
  • Rufo's

    Continuing with “my favourite places to eat in Salamanca” series, I brought you a post about Rufo’s. We got to know this tapas (but more like pinchos) bar by accident, more or less a year ago, and we keep going back ever since. The biggest advantage of Rufo’s is...

    0 , 9 years ago
  • Cervecería 100 Montaditos

    My next favourite place I’m going to be talking about is the 100 Montaditos (100 Sandwiches), a famous sandwich bar chain in Spain. It was among the very first restaurants I went to eat when I came to the country. As its name indicates, you can choose from 100...

    0 , 9 years ago
  • La Pulpería de Paco

    A couple of weeks ago I started to write about my favourite places to eat in Salamanca, so it is just about time to bring the next post. I will be talking about La Pulpería de Paco, which is specialized in seafood. But before going any further, I have to admit that...

    0 , 9 years ago
  • Salamanca Coffee

    Forgive me for this post in advance, but as a coffee lover, I just couldn’t miss it out. I am sure you are all familiar with the picture of a university student going to school with a book, a folder or a bag in one hand and keeping a huge takeaway coffee cup in the...

    0 , 9 years ago
  • A’ Tarantella

    During these previous months I have observed that for Spanish people having dinner is more than simple eating: it is a social act, a way of having a fun, a way of building social network. In the evening (around 9-10 o’clock – that a Hungarian would probably consider...

    0 , 9 years ago

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