Noelia Ramos

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Noelia activity

  • Experience

    Erasmus experience in Bologna, Italia by Valentina

    Source Why did you choose Bologna? Because it is the perfect place to experience the Italian culture. How long did the scholarship last? How much money were you given? The scholarship was for 9 months, I only received 4 months worth of a grant (1600 euros). Half of the...

  • Place

    St Luca's Sanctuary

    Source Situated at the top of the hill, St Luca's Sanctuary is one of the main attractions of Bologna. If you want to go off the beaten track, St Luca's sanctuary offers you one of the most stunning and marvellous views of the mountains that surround the city. Not only...

  • Place

    St Luca's Sanctuary

    Source Situated at the top of the hill, St Luca's Sanctuary is one of the main attractions in Bologna. If you want to get off the beaten track, St Luca's sanctuary offers you one of the most stunning and marvellous views of the mountains that surround the city....

  • Forum

    Erasmus Bolonia 2017/2018

    Chicos/as!! si quereis hacer un grupo dejad vuestros contactos y lo haremos! sino tambien podemos utilizar otra red social I dont care! its up to you! :) 

  • Forum

    Erasmus Bolonia 2017/2018

    Hola a todos/as!!, Me llamo Noelia y he pedido una beca para cursar el próximo curso en Bolonia. Cursaré los dos cuadrimestres. Actualmente estudio Estudios Ingleses en la Universidad de LLeida. Me gustaría conocer a gente y poder buscar un piso para el próximo...

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