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Vietnam Museum of Ethnology

  - 1 opinions

Vietnam Museum of Ethnology

Published by flag-vn Hoàng Nguyễn Vũ (Asian Traveller) — 6 years ago

  • Habit of visiting Museum in Vietnam

I find the beauty of the majority of foreigners traveling inside and outside their country often frequented historical sites, culture, art works to explore, discover. I traveled extensively in Europe and visited great art museums to help me learn and learn more about the history of the city I visited.

  • Vietnamese is like Chinese - just photo not study

Vietnam Museum of Ethnology

http://www.diemviet.vn/blogs/kinh-nghiem/viet-nam-duoc-loi-gi-khi-don-nhieu-khach-du-lich-trung-quoc . Chinese tourists.

While in Vietnam, I realize that many Vietnamese people still do not have this habit. Vietnamese people like many Chinese people only visit the photographers to take a look at museums, explore the history of culture. In my view, they represent the true beauty of the place we visit.

That explains, in response to the question, why do many Vietnamese have little specific knowledge, no deep understanding of cultural values, the history of the nation, the country through museums.  The historical relics are extremely animated.

  • Poor economy makes no care of culture values

In general, I can explain that the economic life of Vietnam, the people of Vietnam has gradually improved, the intellectual level has been raised, but ever many people, many of our youth Have not formed the habits, hobbies, learning passion, serious awareness, full of cultural values, history of the nation, his father has built up, preserved? Ever enjoy the spiritual life, culture equal to material life, economic? The problem here is twofold.

  • Small sense of learning history among Vietnam teenagers.

Firstly, I find that the sense of learning, learning about the history of Vietnamese culture is still small, young people in Vietnam we have to study day and homework, you can not imagine me to Learn so much. Moreover, we have to learn more music, learn to swim martial arts. Our parents were in elementary or middle school, and there was no one to guide us to visit the museum.

Second, I tell you the truth after visiting museums in Europe, I realize that most of the museums in Vietnam are not attractive enough to attract visitors and visitors to enjoy.

I see some museums mainly show physical artifacts without specific instructions or explanations about artifacts or culture.

Vietnam Museum of Ethnology

Vietnam Museum of Ethnology

Beautiful Vatican Museum in Roma, far more beautiful and well-organized than in Asia

Yet this time I visit a recently built museum in Vietnam, quite famous to tourists. It is the Museum of Ethnology in Hanoi.

  • The Museum of Ethnology in Hanoi.

I have been surprised many times in front of the beautiful objects, exhibited very hard as clothing ethnic people, handicrafts; The models of rituals, funerals, weddings, traditional crafts are reconstituted with enthusiasm and respect.

Vietnam Museum of Ethnology

Many visitors are very interested in learning about the funeral of the Muong people, how to make the conical hat of the Vietnamese, the process of weaving cloth Dao or wedding ceremony of the Mong.

The second floor is the exhibit of artifacts of other ethnic groups such as Tay, Nung, Thai, Lo Lo, Xơ Làng, Giarai ... along the length of the country from north to south.

Most impressive to me is the outdoor display area with 10 residential buildings of ethnic groups, the same ethnic people to Hanoi to build.

  • Outdoor display

For outdoor areas, due to narrow so the Museum can only build 9 folk architecture and some large objects such as:

- Ba Na communal house

Vietnam Museum of Ethnology

- Tomb house of Gia Rai people.

- Long stilt house of the E De

Vietnam Museum of Ethnology

- Stilted house of Tay people

Vietnam Museum of Ethnology

It is the Tay stilt house, the 19 meter high house of the Bana, the tomb of the Giarai, the long house of the Ede, the semi-half floor of the Dao, the full house of the H mu 'Mong ... and, of course, indispensable house built in the U-shaped form of the Vietnamese.

  • Fares or tickets for Students

About fares, you do not have to worry because it is very cheap.

For students, students (students) in universities, colleges, secondary schools, vocational schools, the rate of 20,000 VND per person.

Students, students (students) who have student ID cards, students, students by schools in the national education system in Vietnam, specifically if you are an Erasmus student in Vietnam, You can make a student ID card at the university and from there will be exempted from tuition fees.

For children, pupils in general education establishments: VND 10,000 / person / visit. Children are people from 6 to under 16 years old. It is difficult to determine if a person under the age of 16 must produce a birth certificate, passport, identity card or any other document.

More specific, if you are a student studying or exchanging in Vietnam, just bring your student then you will get the discount ticket for student

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