Erasmus experiences Ferrara
An experience in Ferrara
In my view, if I try to be as impartial as I can, Ferrara is a truly beautiful city to live in. The standard of living is probably better than most Italian cities: the traffic isn't normally a huge problem, especially in the centre, it's a great place to eat out in and...
0 0 , 4 years ago -
My experience in Ferrara.
Why did you choose Ferrara, Italy? I didn't actually choose Ferrara, it was chosen for me. I didn't really know whether to do an Erasmus year abroad or not but in the end, I decided to go for it, without thinking too much into it. I didn't have many options because...
0 0 , 5 years ago -
Experience in Ferrara, Italy by Hecham
What is it like to live in Ferrara? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? Perfect city for a student. Excellent prices, lot of people (erasmus people are really common). I really enjoyed studying in FerraraWhat is the student lifestyle like in Ferrara? Tuesday,...
0 0 , 5 years ago -
Experience in Ferrara, Italy by ahmed
What is it like to live in Ferrara? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? ferrara is a nice and quiet city it's basically a student city famous by its medieval historical monuments;it reflects the charm of is not expensive compered to italian big...
1 0 , 5 years ago -
Experience in Ferrara, Italy by ahmed
What is it like to live in Ferrara? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? ferrara is a nice and quiet city it's basically a student city famous by its medieval historical monuments;it reflects the charm of is not expensive compered to italian big...
0 0 , 5 years ago -
Experience in Ferrara, Italy by Andrea
What did life in Ferrara seem like to you? Would you recommend it? What is it like? Life in Ferrara flows in a peaceful way. The size of the city and the number of citizens means that you could consider it a town. Hence why I can tell you that it's a fairly peaceful way...
0 0 , 5 years ago -
Adrián's Erasmus Experience in Farrara, Italy
Why did you choose to go to Ferrara, Italy? At first I wanted to go to an Eastern European country, but a failed grade in English left me with Italy as the only viable option. I was also looking to travel, so the best option was Bologna with its airport with thousands...
0 0 , 5 years ago -
Arianna's experience in Ferrara, Italy
How do you like life in Ferrara? Would you recommend it? What's the city like? Ferrara is a small city with a castle and medieval walls, and a beautiful historic center full of shops and restaurants. It's a peaceful city and comfortable to live in. Many people get...
0 0 , 5 years ago -
Erasmus Experience in Ferrara, Italy by José Antonio
Why did you choose to go to Ferrara, Italy? It was one of the Italian cities offered by my university. I chose 4 Italian destinations and one in the Czech Republic. Source How long was the grant for? How much financial aid did you receive? It depends on the...
0 0 , 6 years ago -
Erasmus Experience in Ferrara, Italy by Nicole
Why did you choose to go to Ferrara, Italy? Because it is cheaper than most cities, smaller, and is great to travel to other parts of Italy. How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs? 6 months - I received 3500 euros in...
0 0 , 7 years ago -
Erasmus Experience in Ferrara, Italy by Lynn
Why did you choose to go to Ferrara, Italy? I wanted a small and a new city. How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs? It lasts 5 months. I receive 285€ monthly. What is the student lifestyle like in Ferrara? Very...
0 0 , 8 years ago -
Erasmus Experience in Ferrara, Italy by Mónica
Why did you choose to go to Ferrara, Italy? I not choose it. But I am happy to be here; because is a very nice city, with a good univesity, with nice people. What is the student lifestyle like in Ferrara? Is a little city and a little university, so it is very...
0 0 , 8 years ago -
Experience in Ferrara, Italy by Sara
What is it like to live in Ferrara? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? Ferrara is a small city. There is a lot of bar and a lot of restaurants. Ferrara is a city full of culture and I like it. What is the student lifestyle like in Ferrara? On Wednesday there...
0 0 , 8 years ago -
Experience in Ferrara, Italy by Iskender
What is it like to live in Ferrara? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? Ferrara is a small city which attracts a lot of students who do their Erasmus experiences. The city itself is very well enrich with historic sight so - you can see tourists everytime. I...
0 0 , 8 years ago -
Erasmus Experience in Ferrara, Italy by Clim
Why did you choose to go to Ferrara, Italia? Because at that moment it was the best option for me. How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs? I will stay for only one semester and the scholarship is almost 17 euros a...
0 0 , 8 years ago -
Experience in Ferrara, Italy by Federica
Source What is it like to live in Ferrara? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? Ferrara is a touristy town, full of history and museums. It has a good university and the city is full of life and youth. Ferrara is also nicknamed "city of bicycles" because you...
0 0 , 9 years ago -
Erasmus Experience in Ferrara, Italy by Gül Hacer
How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs? 800 euro per month is enough to live and travel for me (accommodation included). What is the student lifestyle like in Ferrara? In general the city is pretty small and there aren't...
1 0 , 10 years ago -
Erasmus Experience in Ferrara, Italy by Aidana
Why did you choose to go to Ferrara, Italy? It was suitable for me as I wanted to complete my degree in law. The city seemed to be good place. How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs? I'm just an exchange student, so I...
0 0 , 10 years ago -
Experience in Ferrara, Italy by Emanuele
What is it like to live in Ferrara? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? In my opinion (trying to be as impartial as possible) Ferrara is a really nice place to live. The living standards are probably higher than the average of Italian cities: the traffic is...
3 0 , 11 years ago -
Erasmus Experience in Ferrara, Italy by Vítor
Source Why did you choose to go to Ferrara, Italy? It was actually my 4th option, but I did not regret it in the end. Italy is always a nice country to visit, especially Ferrara. How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living...
0 0 , 11 years ago