Wanderlust: not all those who wander are lost

flag-co Catalina De la Torre — 0 people follow the author

A blog created to describe several travel experiences and so to provide some recommendations for all those who love to wander.

Blog posts

  • The unforgettable taste of Spain

    Once a traveler gets the chance to discover Spain with its flavors, music and colors, besides a shiny sun which baths the most varying landscapes under its sunbeams, a heart will beat since the beginning. From North to South, East to West, cultural approaches may lead...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Spain 8 years ago
  • Crossing the border

    As stated on previous posts before, the Basque Country is a blessed region because of the variety of its landscapes and so the range of the activities offered there. Moreover the mountains and the forests and beyond its hiking options, many beaches along the Cantabric...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Biarritz 9 years ago
  • A daydreaming forest

    Bilbao is a city full of adventures to discover due to its blessed location, close both to the sea and surrounded by mountains. Therefore, one can never get bored because of the nature that comes from the diversity of its natural surroundings. Following the hiking mood,...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Bilbao 9 years ago
  • Chasing Space Invaders in Bilbo

    Anyone can go hunting space invaders as some task which becomes a way to explore a city. This can be possible due to the originality of Invader: the art performance of this French artist who allowed to locate, within several countries around the world, walls dressed...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Bilbao 9 years ago
  • Pagasarri: Hiking near Bilbao

    Bilbao is a magic spot: surrounded by montains and close to the sea. What else can be asked for? With an elevation of 671 m., the Pagasarri is a very popular destination in the Basque Country for trekkers with thirst for adventure. For those in search of a good escape...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Bilbao 9 years ago
  • A movie for travelers

    Based and inspired on a true story, "Into the wild" is a very touching movie about a young man who, instead of going to university, decided to to take a different path and to look for the wild, in search of adventure. Accompanied by several books, maps, a backpack and...

    0 , in General 9 years ago
  • Being a Wanderluster

    First I tried to find a Spanish name for my blog, but then I realized that the best word was actually in english. Therefore I changed the language of the blog... All because I really thought there was no better name as "Wanderlust"! Languages have unique types of words...

    0 , in General 9 years ago

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