Visitando el País de las Hadas (Carolina en)

flag-es Carolina Nogales Arias — 2 people follow the author

Galway es una pequeña ciudad irlandesa situada en la costa oeste de la isla. Esta ciudad se encuentra en el condado de Connacht. El río Corrib, catalogado como el río más corto de toda Europa, recorre la ciudad hasta desembocar en el mar. Considerada la ciudad más importante del condado, Galway cuenta con dos universidades, la NUIG (National University of Galway) y la GMIT (Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology). Así, son los universitarios quienes le dan vida a esta ciudad costera. (en)

Blog posts

  • Galway, an easy place to visit

    I arrived to Galway in September in order to spend the whole year in this fishing town. Since the first day, I was dying to visit the town as if I would not have time to do it the rest of the year. However, I could not as at the beginning I did not have too much free...

    2 , in Erasmus blog Galway 13 years ago
  • Eyre Square

    The first stop in the tour is Eyre Square, also known as Kennedy Park. It is the central place of Galway. The reason for what it is called Eyre Square is that in 1710 it was a piece of land which was donated by the Eyre family in order to build the square. However, in...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Galway 13 years ago
  • The walls of the city

    You cannot miss either in Galway the rests of the walls of the city that were built in 1270. It is very sad that today we can only enjoy some stretches of wall, one of them in the back of Eyre Square Shopping Centre. The reason is that after the sieges of the XVII...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Galway 13 years ago
  • Advantages of the new technologies

    Being far away from home. Miles away. And you always have the chance to see your people's faces, by means of skype, to have a conversation with your friends, to tell them what we do and why. Those are the new technologies. Taking notes and sending essays. Looking for...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Galway 13 years ago
  • Some thoughts

    Now, the night has fallen, I am looking through my window and I am seeing the world that surrounds me. I am opening my folders full of notes and my book The Major Works of Yeats. Now, I am closing my eyes. In my mind there are a lot of people. I know that I am not...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Galway 13 years ago
  • One day more!

    Another morning in Galway, I have been working and knowing Ireland. I am happy! I think that I have learnt a lot. Daddy will tell me that at least... I can iron!

    1 , in Erasmus blog Galway 13 years ago
  • Shop Street

    Shop Street is the main street in Galway. It is a pedestrian avenue which links Eyre Square with the moth of Corrib river. Here you can find a lot of shops, that seems obvious, but also dozens of pubs with tables outside! You can also find street artists. Usually, this...

    4 , in Erasmus blog Galway 13 years ago
  • Carnival Time

    In a few days there will be Carnival. We will dress up in order to represent what we are not, and, in this way, perhaps, we will show who we really are. That is the grotesque. It was invented by Goya and Quevedo. Valle Inclán formulated it in the theatre. And we all...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Galway 13 years ago
  • Lynch Castle

    Another important building in Galway is Linch Castle. It is located on the corner of Abbeygate Street and Shop Street. Despite its name, it was the palace of the most influential family of Galway. It is supposed that it was built at the end of the XV century. In the...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Galway 13 years ago
  • Lynch Memorial Window, Galway

    The Lynch Memorial Window is a facade located in Market Street. It has a window with a shield with a skull and two crossed shinbones. It is supposed that it makes an allusion to a fable about the Lynch's family. According to the legend, Walter was the son of the mayor...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Galway 13 years ago
  • Ernesto Che Guevara

    As I have mentioned the Lynch family to you a lot of times, I am going to tell you a curiosity. Do you know that the Argentine revolutionary Ernesto Che Guevara has its roots in Ireland? Irish people say that his great-grandmother emigrated from Galway to South America....

    0 , in Erasmus blog Galway 13 years ago
  • St Nicholas Church

    Saint Nicholas is the patron saint of travellers. Thus, the merchants of Galway chose him as benefactor patron of the town. The church was built in 1320, and after more than one century later it became collegiate church. Today it belongs to the Church of Ireland. Some...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Galway 13 years ago
  • Bridges and canals in Galway

    As I have said in another post, Corrib river goes throughout almost all the town. That is the reason for what Galway has several bridges, such as the Wolf Tone Bridge, the Bridge Mill and the Salmon Weir Bridge. The last one is located near the cathedral, and in May...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Galway 13 years ago
  • RAG Week

    RAG Week has being celebrated this week in Galway. The main aim of this week is to collect money to give it to charities. This year, the Student union has decided to give all the money to Ability West and the Alan Kerins Projects. Ability West is a voluntary...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Galway 13 years ago
  • Galway Cathedral

    The Cathedral of our Lady Assumed into Heaven and Saint Nicholas is located in the west bank of Corrib River. It was built recently as it was consecrated in 1965. It is made of cut limestone, and its dome is made of copper. Inside, one can find that the floor is made of...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Galway 13 years ago
  • Tuesday Pancakes

    Today is Tuesday's Pancakes! My flatmates have invited me to eat pancakes, they have made them and we have eaten them with lemon juice, butter and honey! They were delicious! Although now, I'm full! They have told me that it is a tradition in Ireland to eat pancakes in...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Galway 13 years ago
  • Women's Day!!!

    Yesterday it was celebrated the International Women's Day and I did not have enough time to write about it. Firstly, I would like to congratulate all women! Secondly, I will talk about women's equality in Ireland. It seems that there is no so much representation of...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Galway 13 years ago
  • A plant coming up from my kitchen sink

    Living with Irish people has its advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, you can speak English with them always you want, so you can improve your speaking skills. Besides, you meet native people of the country where you are living, which is good because Spanish...

    1 , in Erasmus blog Galway 13 years ago
  • My College

    Source National University of Galway (NUIG) is the name of my college. The main building is amazing. It is the picture which appears of the college when you google NUIG. It was built in 1849 with a neo-Tudor style. But, it is a pity that there is any lecture there, as...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Galway 13 years ago
  • It's cold again in Galway!

    Spring starts in Ireland 1st February. This piece of information was shocking for me, because I thought that the seasons started at the same time in all the northen hemisphere. But now I know that I was mistaken. But what is more shocking for me is that now it is spring...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Galway 13 years ago

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