RAG Week

RAG Week has being celebrated this week in Galway. The main aim of this week is to collect money to give it to charities. This year, the Student union has decided to give all the money to Ability West and the Alan Kerins Projects. Ability West is a voluntary organization which helps people with an intellectual disability throughout Galway county. The Allan Project is a charity which supports a community in Zambia.

However, although there are a lot of activities to get involved, rag week has only become an excuse for students to get drunk. As it is said in the university newspaper, “RAG week is viewed by the student population as the perfect excuse to miss lectures, drink beer for breakfast, avail of as much free entertainment as possible, and generally have an old fine time of it”. And that is the reason for what NUIG has banned it this year.

And, I ask you: do you think that young people is not worried for what happens in the world? Why is it more important for them to drink rather than collecting money for charity?

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