• A year ago since the beginning of my best year.

    Rather it was from August 24 when the start of my experience marked its first anniversary and, with it, a wave of memories began to flood my head, stories, anecdotes, passages, conversations, impressions, people, names, parties and a long list of significant experiences...

    1 , 12 years ago
  • Introducing the Writer

    Before I start posting about all the great attractions of New York City, I figured I would start by introducing myself! My name is William Terrence Barry, though you'll likely hear me referred to as "Billy" or "Billy Barry". I began my college career at the New Jersey...

    0 , 12 years ago
  • Some of information from Kahramanmaraş

    History Kahramanmaraş was known historically as Maraş and was a settlement since pre-historic times. The city received to title of Kahraman (Heroic) from the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TBMM) for the heroic struggle by the local civilian population against the...

    0 , 12 years ago
  • Minus sides in Kahramanmaraş

    Firstly , nightlife is really inactive in this city  even you can't find any bar or disco.As  you can see like this photo empty and quiet streets and roads after the midnight. Secondly , you can't find any bus for transport in city centre after 23:00 p.m.But...

    0 , 12 years ago
  • 1st base- Accommodation

    :) The BIG chapter- accommodation. It is neccessary to know you are not alone, who is looking for accommodation. In the accommodation office I met a crowd of people, who were looking for a roof, don't be shy, just start to talk to people and ask them if they know about...

    0 , 12 years ago
  • Lisbon!

      First day in Lisbon started in Bucharest airport at 05:19 where together with my girlfriend we noticed that our luggage was too big for the limit. We started to move things around and in the end we managed to solve the situation. In all this time we were worried...

    0 , 12 years ago
  • Amazing is the only word that fits!

    Hello!! I've attached some pictures of me in my new city, so WELCOME IN NÜRNBERG! You can see how I'm smiling, that means how happy and bright actually I am :) ...everything here is shining, luminous and fantastic! I come from a small town in Italy, Mantova, where I...

    0 , 12 years ago
  • Happy Introduction

    Hi friends :) I'd like to introduce this blog so you know who I am and what you can read about here from now on! About me. I'm a 21-year-old human being, half Swedish and half Slovak, living in Nitra (Slovakia), and now going to study for half a year in Prague. Through...

    0 , 12 years ago
  • Are you looking for accommodation in Valencia? HelloFlatMate, the easy way

    Are you looking for accommodation in Valencia? We have the perfect solution. HelloFlatMate is a company focused in helping students in order to find great accommodations in Valencia. Their objective is to offer an exclusive service, proffesional and personalized to...

    0 , 12 years ago
  • Looking for a share house during your Erasmus program? If so, you’re not alone!

    Each year over a million and a half students across Europe participates in Erasmus, and there’s no doubt that they’d all love to find a welcoming place to call home. Yet how can student’s best find their dream share house, especially when they are new to a city?...

    0 , 12 years ago
  • Do you want to visit Spain and meeting people at the same time??

    Take a look at BlaBlaCar.es and discover the new way to travel! BlaBlaCar.es, the largest social network to ride sharing in Europe, helps you travel around Spain at an unbeatable cost :D How does it work? It is easy. If you have a car, you can post the trip you'd have...

    0 , 12 years ago
  • Dreams of Great Things

    I received a message from a blog reader from Poland, who will be in Palma for the same year as me, and the final part of their last message said that they were "more excited than [me]." This is my response to that claim, both waking and sleeping (I will explain the...

    0 , 12 years ago
  • Time Flies

    It has been over a month since I updated this sight. I am sorry. Life and love have gotten in the way. (It is amazing how mych a boyfriend can suck up your time) I am writing to let you all know IT IS OFFICIAL I AM GOING TO PALMA!!! Just 48 hours after my application...

    0 , 12 years ago
  • 16 March!

      Fallas ON!! let`s go!! =) today all fallas are finally planted (plantà) and you should go out and visit them if you don't want to be squashed when everybody goes out.  I have been in the mascletà and now its time to relax and recover before having a completely...

    1 , 12 years ago
  • 15th March!

      Fallas are well known in all the world as one of the biggest parties in Spain (or maybe is the Spain's biggest urban festival) held between the 15th and the 19th of March. They are unique to Valencia, Spain`s third largest city.  Many people have the opinion that...

    0 , 12 years ago
  • How to use a webcam for surveillance?

    'Home Sweet Home' is a phrase that you should be able to use even when you're away from home. Increasing theft, vandalism and break-ins have resulted in most of us getting paranoid about the safety of our home. This increasing trend has snatched the peace of mind from...

    0 , 12 years ago
  • And away it goes!

      Only four days after my second deadline my application is now in the hands of our study abroad office. It is kind of a crazy feeling. I have been working on this for so long it is hard to imagine that it might actually be a reality. I can hear you all rolling your...

    0 , 13 years ago
  • The List: My First Reframing.

    I set out to have my application finished on the 10th of February. I hope that you all have realized by this point in my post that this did not happen. While there are a variety of reasons why this might be true I am going to attribute it to three distinct causes I...

    2 , 13 years ago
  • Cover it Up

    Tapas. Today is again  re press, or re blog. I have been looking to talk about tapas for some time now and I believe that this article offers a basic introduction. I am also adding a new wish item to my list today. Eat a meal entirely out of Tapas from different...

    0 , 13 years ago
  • Four To Go!

      That's right there are four steps to go in my application process to study in Palma, but before I get into that let me give you a brief overview of what I have done. (If you make it to the end there is a video treat) :) COMPLETED Basic Information and academic...

    4 , 13 years ago

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