And away it goes!

Published by flag-us Hannah Johnson — 13 years ago

Blog: One Woman Seeking Palma
Tags: General


Only four days after my second deadline my application is now in the hands of our study abroad office. It is kind of a crazy feeling. I have been working on this for so long it is hard to imagine that it might actually be a reality. I can hear you all rolling your eyes going “ah… you are writing a blog about this… how could you not realize it?” Well let me tell you after I awkwardly did the happy dance in a very public location (I apologize to any and all witnesses) I began to realize the gravity of the whole thing. I won’t go into details until later, I am sure you will hear more about my doubts later and would rather not read them now. My submission though, mostly made me realize how happy I am with my life and though I am excited beyond words at the possibilities of the future, it will be sad to leave behind the life that I have at The University of Iowa.

The Rest of the Process
I promised I would detail the rest of my application process so here it is:

My passport scan: this one was simple once I got my self into gear. Time to complete ~5 min Scholarship information: I never realized how quite middle of the road I am and am therefore not qualified for any of these so… ya. This did not take really any time. Time ~ 5 min Evaluator Task:This one was a little bit harder as the professor I asked to submit for application did not complete the task until this morning and was the main reason I was delayed in submission. Though, I am hugely grateful for her letter and am now happy that I waited for it, which is all that really matters in the end. My personal statement: for those of you who are interested, it is at the end of this post. I spent more time in the Spanish writing center than I ever have. Though I just finished the last paragraph today and submitted it today so it might be a little rougher. I do think it is one of the most dense Spanish writing that I have ever done though. Time ~20 hrs Home school nomination: this process is a little different at The University of Iowa than at other institutions, the nomination is only completed after all of the rest of your information is submitted. I was required to verify that all of my information has been turned in and to rough out a potential schedule for my year abroad. This was simple enough to take care of. Time ~ 5 min
To check out my personal statment and more visit

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