One Woman Seeking Palma

flag-us Hannah Johnson — 3 people follow the author

The erasmus companion blog to my main blog, One Woman Seeking Palma. ( Please enjoy

Blog posts

  • Thought for finals and flying away

    This week has been a bit of a struggle. It is finals week here in the states and my big blue bag, which contains half of my life, has vanished. I was feeling a bit down and was going to post a ho hum/ snarky post about how much fun filling out a visa application has...

    0 , in Erasmus scholarships 12 years ago
  • Dreams of Great Things

    I received a message from a blog reader from Poland, who will be in Palma for the same year as me, and the final part of their last message said that they were "more excited than [me]." This is my response to that claim, both waking and sleeping (I will explain the...

    0 , in General 12 years ago
  • Time Flies

    It has been over a month since I updated this sight. I am sorry. Life and love have gotten in the way. (It is amazing how mych a boyfriend can suck up your time) I am writing to let you all know IT IS OFFICIAL I AM GOING TO PALMA!!! Just 48 hours after my application...

    0 , in General 12 years ago
  • And away it goes!

      Only four days after my second deadline my application is now in the hands of our study abroad office. It is kind of a crazy feeling. I have been working on this for so long it is hard to imagine that it might actually be a reality. I can hear you all rolling your...

    0 , in General 13 years ago
  • The List: My First Reframing.

    I set out to have my application finished on the 10th of February. I hope that you all have realized by this point in my post that this did not happen. While there are a variety of reasons why this might be true I am going to attribute it to three distinct causes I...

    2 , in General 13 years ago
  • Cover it Up

    Tapas. Today is again  re press, or re blog. I have been looking to talk about tapas for some time now and I believe that this article offers a basic introduction. I am also adding a new wish item to my list today. Eat a meal entirely out of Tapas from different...

    0 , in General 13 years ago
  • Four To Go!

      That's right there are four steps to go in my application process to study in Palma, but before I get into that let me give you a brief overview of what I have done. (If you make it to the end there is a video treat) :) COMPLETED Basic Information and academic...

    4 , in General 13 years ago
  • Hola!

    ¡Hola y Bienvenidos! Hello and welcome! My name is Hannah and I am a Second Year at The University of Iowa, in Iowa City, IA. I am majoring in Spanish and Economics and am here to share with  you my journey to Palma. People start blogs for 1000′s o reasons, but...

    1 , in General 13 years ago

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