Four To Go!

Published by flag-us Hannah Johnson — 13 years ago

Blog: One Woman Seeking Palma
Tags: General


That's right there are four steps to go in my application process to study in Palma, but before I get into that let me give you a brief overview of what I have done. (If you make it to the end there is a video treat) :)


  1. Basic Information and academic information - this information is simple and fill in the  blank. If you have ever filled out a scholarship or job application, or college application for that matter. This will be easy and basic. Time ~ 20 min
  2. Transcripts - this process was easy enough. All I was required to do was send a copy of my oficial transcript to their offices. Time ~5 min
  3. Terms and conditions of the program - While this should be a simple enough task, I experienced a lot of user error while completing this portion. When you are required to read the terms and conditions it opens a window which fills your scree. I did not realize this and was closing out and reloading the previous page so the program would not let me confirm that I had read the terms and conditions. However this was also when I realized how wonderfully helpful the staff at CIEE are as they assisted me through this process. There were no hitches once I asked for help. time (me) ~ 1 hr. (should be) ~ 5 min.
  4. Various Submissions in Progress - there are several forms that you have to send out to other parties to have filled out, most importantly a confirmation that your university will accept credit for your time abroad and a language proficiency form filled out by a recent professor.


  1. This is the BIG ONE: An essay which shows both my skill at writing is Spanish but also my reasons for wanting to study in Palma de Mallorca.
  2. Scholarship info: this one seams self explanatory. Gotta wait for my taxes to be done though! :)
  3. My passport scan: OK so this has ore to do with I keep forgetting to bring my passport to work than anything else, but if you are looking to apply you should get your passport in order. Otherwise you will be waiting on something silly to submit your application
  4. A meeting with my study abroad advisor: set up for next TUESDAY!

OK the video

Comments (4 comments)

  • flag-es Javier López 13 years ago

    I'm sure burocracy in Spain is much worse than burocracy in USA. But I see that you control every detail really well. PS: I think there is a problem with the video link.

  • flag-us Hannah Johnson 13 years ago

    oh no! I apologize for the video not working. I will find the correct one for you, Hasta pronto! and thank you Javier! It is exciting to be nearly done!

  • flag-us Hannah Johnson 13 years ago here is the long link if you are interested.

  • flag-es Javier López 13 years ago

    Funny video! Hahaha

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