Trifle pudding

Published by flag-ge Ani Lilucie — 7 years ago

Blog: Travellings
Tags: Erasmus recipes

Trifle pudding

The introduction

Hello everyone, I hope, that you are all doing just fine!

In this article I want to tell you about this trifle or whatever I made the other day because I wanted something sweet and I didn’t want it to be very sweet either, if you want to know the truth. Besides, I wanted this something to be like trifle, you know, when there’s not much biscuit and there’s this kind of thick mass in that thing and the biscuit then becomes softer, too, and everything gets blended and it’s pretty tasty and light thing to eat just like Tiramisu cake, however, this time I didn’t want it to taste like Tiramisu, I mean, I didn’t want it to have some coffee taste and rum essence and things like that and I wanted it to be easy to prepare and very fast, you know, I wanted to prepare it quickly and then eat it that way.

Well, I had some kefir at home and I thought, that I would have it used in my trifle, or I could just put some chocolate chips in it and have it drunk that way, however, then I decided not to do that and I went to this Nikora supermarket to get something like a pudding or whatever, so that it would be kind of thick, but not very thick and I could use it like a cream filing in my trifle and I would have some biscuit between the layers, you know.

That day Nikora supermarket had this big sales on some of the products and I knew, that there were sales, so that I went in, and, besides, I was pretty interested in that Alpro products, which they had sales on and those products are soya bean products and they are fasting and they are with chocolate and vanilla and caramel and stuff like that and they were puddings and some drinks, too, I mean, the kind of milk-like drinks, but it’s a soya drink and I haven’t tasted it and I haven’t eaten them anywhere, so that I thought, that I might buy that pudding or drink, you know. However, the drink was too expensive, if you ask me, because it cost somewhere about 10 laris and it was just 1 litre and since I didn’t know its taste, I didn’t risk my money on it and decided not to buy it or buy it another time. So that then I saw those Alpro soya puddings and there were chocolate ones and caramel and vanilla ones and since I really love things with chocolate, I decided to buy the chocolate one and taste it and it cost somewhere about 2 Laris and it was 125 grams, so that it was kind of expensive, too, if you ask me. However, there was this sign reading, that it was a product of Belgium and I guess, that was why it cost that much. And I haven’t seen those Alpro things in Fresco supermarket, otherwise , they would cost a little less there, I guess. Well, as I say, we only live once and we should make ourselves happy from time to time at least, and that’s why I bought that Alpro dessert to taste and to prepare that trifle for me. Then I thought, that it wouldn’t be enough for preparing that trifle and I needed something more than that, you know, and then I decided to buy something like that in Fresco supermarket,which was just nearby and on my way home, so that I could go in there and see some stuff and buy something for my trifle, and, besides, I had to buy something for the biscuit, too, so that I needed to get into that Fresco supermarket anyways.

Trifle pudding

So, you know, there are these things like roulettes and pound cakes sold in packages and they are pretty soft and good and kind of delicious, and they don’t cost much, for about 1 to 2 Laris and my sister used them to prepare some things like those trifles from them and I decided to buy one of them and use it in my trifles, you know, so that it would be something very easy to make and I started looking at those things, however, I didn’t really like any of them and then I thought, that I might prepare a pound cake myself, but I was too lazy for that and decided to buy that chocolate roulette with some white cream filling inside of it and have it in my trifle. Then I went to see some puddings, however, they didn’t’ really have any puddings there, so that I had to choose between yoghurts and cottage cheese desserts and there was not much of a choice in them, either, however, I still needed something to buy and I needed to choose any of them, you know. So that I decided to have that one from Chudo and I had tasted this Chudo coconut yoghurt some time ago and it was alright in taste, though it was not that thick, but it was not that bad, either, so that I decided to give it a try and buy it and it was 500 ml and cost 2 laris, so that it was still okay to buy it, if you ask me. Well, at least, I could just drink it if I wasn’t able to use it in my trifle. And, besides, it was not very sweet as I remembered, so that it would be a light drink and I could even use it in some topping or whatever. Maybe it would have been a better idea to buy some cottage cheese dessert and this Santissimo company has some delicious cottage cheese desserts with chocolate and vanilla and strawberries and some other things and I’ve tasted them and they are pretty good, and they cost from 2 to 3 laris, and it was not that bad, however, I still chose to buy that Chudo yoghurt and have it in my trifle.  Well, as you know, they prefer to have those trifles in a transparent glasses so that it will be seen how those layers are beautifully decided there and, well, I decided to have it in that kind of glass, too, however, I don’t really have the special glass for those stuffand I used those whiskey glasses for my trifle, which was a pretty good idea, if you ask me.

Trifle pudding


  • Chocolate pudding, 100 grams
  • Coconut yoghurt, 100 ml
  • Chocolate pound cake, 100 grams
  • Cocoa powder

Preparation process

So, the preparation process started with the cutting of the cake, I mean, it was not needed to use all of it and I just had to use the half of it, if you want to know the truth, because the glass was not very large and it didn’t need to be much of the ingredients in that trifle. Well, I thought, that it would have been a good idea to buy some fruit, like kiwi fruit or banana, because they are really good in trifles, however, it was too late and I was pretty lazy to go outside again just for one or two kiwis or bananas, so that it would be just this chocolate trifle and that would be it, you know.

Well, after cutting the cake into small slices, I had this one slice put into the glass and it was just a perfect size for it. Then I had some coconut yoghurt added to it so that it would cover that cake slice and then I had this chocolate pudding added to that stuff. After that, I decided to have some cocoa powder powdered on them and then I would add another slice of that cake and then I would add some chocolate pudding again and then I would pour that coconut yoghurt all over it. And it continued, until the glass was filled with all of those things and the last thing I did was to have this coconut yoghurt poured on top of it and that was it, it needed nothing else, but to leave it like that for a while, so that everything would get assembled and blended and it would have some good taste in all.

Well, it’s always a great idea to put that kind of thing into the fridge for some time and then, when it has been a couple of hours or even less, you can take it out and feel its delicious taste, because then it all will be just great and the biscuit will be soft and light and it will melt in your mouth, if you want to know the truth. And, besides, I like those things cold just like that Tiramisu and , trust me, you won’t regret getting it into the fridge, especially if it’s summer, you will want to put it into the fridge,of course, you know. And then it’s like an ice cream, but it’s not really an ice cream, of course, however, it’s still very good and I just love eating that kind of things and, besides, if you prepare it with some fruit, it will be lighter and better, if you ask me.

Trifle pudding

Anyways, preparing trifles has been a great experience and I loved eating them just when I was little and I remember, my aunt used to prepare those trifles for us and she usually had some kiwi fruit and vanilla cream filling with some cookies between the layers and it was very delicious and it was very light and it was pretty simple to eat and since I just love eating those cream fillings and I’m not talking about those ones, which are made of that whipping cream, but I’m talking about that cream filling, which is prepared by boiling some milk and flour and sugar and making a porridge and then mixing it with some butter, I just really enjoyed eating those trifles and whenever we visited my aunt, she just knew, what she should prepare to make me happy. Well, she would prepare it with some of that porridge cream filling, that I told you about, I mean, there’s this special way of preparing that cream filling, which I haven’t seen in the Internet in English and it’s pretty common one in Georgia, if you want to know the truth. Well, you take some water and flour and sugar and mix those flour and sugar together and when the water boils, you just take some water and pour it onto that mixture and mix them well and then you just pour that mixture into the boiling water and whisk, so that it will dissolve or whatever and then you just stir occasionally and wait for it to get thicker and when it gets just as thick as you want it to be, you can take it from the gas and let it get cooled down and then you have to mix it with some butter and then you can even add some vanilla or essence of rum or vodka or whatever you like, while the basic thing is to boil the porridge, you know. And I remember, that we loved the taste of that porridge, especially if it was prepared from milk , and we would eat it until my aunt prepared the cream filling and she didn’t want us to have plenty of that porridge, because then it wouldn’t be enough for that cream filling for the cake or trifle or whatever and then she knew, that we would be disappointed, so that it was better not to let us eat that porridge and then let us eat the cake or the trifle after everything was done and if there was any cream filling left after that, we were free to do whatever we wanted and we could enjoy that whole cream filling and be happy with that, you know. It was an exciting process and it was a huge success if there was any cream filling left, because there were three of us and imagine, every one of us wanted to have that porridge and cream filling and we wanted the cake, too, so that it was pretty difficult for my aunt to prepare all of those things together, you know. However, it was still great for us to have some amount of everything until the cake was done, because we just wanted to taste all those things and that was it, then the cake would come and we would eat it a lot and until then, we just wanted to have some fun and enjoy those things, that we did to taste the cream fillings, if you want to know the truth.

Trifle pudding

Anyways, that was how I prepared my pudding trifle today and I was pretty satisfied with my cooking and stuff like that, because I prepared this thing pretty easily, as I’ve already told you and, besides, it was not that difficult and it didn’t need much of the ingredients, you know. And it was just this cute one portion for one person, however, it could have been for two, too, because I couldn’t eat the whole glass of that pudding trifle when I ate it and I have this other half in my fridge and it’s waiting for someone to get it and eat it, you know. So, you should know, that it still becomes one portion and if you want to have some guests and prepare this thing for them, you should have the ingredients doubled or something like that, however it all depends on the people and the glasses and everything. but I guess, this one can just be prepared for maximum of two people, so that you should keep that in mind, when preparing this trifle.

Well, when I tasted my trifle it tasted pretty good, however, it was still a little too sweet for me and I could have made it less sweet, however, it was still alright and it was pretty much of that consistency, that I wanted it to be and by that I mean, that it was not that thick or watery and it was just in the middle and very normal in a way.

So that, I hope, that you enjoyed my recipe and it’s really easy to prepare, as I’ve already mentioned and as you can see yourself,  and I’m sure, that if you love trifles and sweet stuff, you will prepare it and see, that it’s worth preparing from time to time when you want to have something soft and light and sweet and not that nourishing, I mean, it doesn’t have that much calories, that usual cakes have and it’s healthier, than those usual cakes, because it contains dairy products, such as yoghurt and some milk-based pudding and it’s not that porridge cream filling with all that flour and things like that, you know. And that’s why I’m recommending this pudding trifle to you to eat and prepare and I hope, that you find it interesting.

So that, enjoy your trifle pudding and have a nice day!

Trifle pudding

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