Spaghetti with cheese recipe

Published by flag-ge Sal ome — 7 years ago

Blog: Recipes
Tags: Erasmus recipes

Spaghetti with cheese recipe

The introduction

I'm sure you all know about spaghetti and every one of you have eaten it, and personally when I hear spaghetti I immediately am reminded of Italy and Sicily and stuff like that and I hear that Italian accent that italians have while speaking in English or whatsoever.

Well, I guess everyone loves spaghetti and personally I love eating it and all of my family members love it and it's pretty easy to prepare.

So, some days ago I was at my friends home and she had prepared this spaghetti with cheese that was really delicious and I really liked it, so that's when I decided to tell you about the recipe and share the preparation process of this dish with you. I'm sure you will all find it very helpful, as everyone can buy some spaghetti and cheese and make the dish and just enjoy it.


  • Spaghetti, 400 or 500 grams
  • Cheese, sliced (Gouda, cheddar, etc. )
  • Salt to taste
  • Water

Spaghetti with cheese recipe

Preparation process

So, you take this spaghetti that you bought in the grocery store that weighs 400 or 500 grams and you can either divide it into half of its amount or just cook the whole pack. But I guess, half of it or two thirds of it is enough, it really depends on how many people you are serving.

So, once you have poured some water in a saucepan and brought it to a boil, you can spread some salt in it and then put the spaghetti into the water. When the water boils, you should let it boil for 15 minutes or so and then turn the heat off. You should spill the excess water out and just pour some cold water on spaghetti and spill it out too.

Then you can add some cheeseto the spaghetti dish on top of it in the saucepan.

Spaghetti with cheese recipe

Well, to tell you the truth, I have not tasted spaghetti with that kind of cheese, I mean cheddar or gouda or something, I usually had some feta cheese sprinkled over my spaghetti and that was how I was used to eat it. I just shredded the cheese and sprinkled on cooked spaghetti, then I would just stir a little. And I also used to add some oil and put that saucepan on a low heat gas, so that it would cook a little and the cheese would be just like on pizza _ when you take one slice and cheese is all like melted and stuff like that, you know. So, I don’t know, that’s how I was taught to prepare spaghetti and that’s how I used to do it. But then, when I visited my friend and saw that she was preparing spaghetti with cheese, she was using a very different method and I got interested and asked about the preparation process and stuff. And so she told me.

You know, this cheese was really great with spaghetti, and I didn’t think it would make such difference in a dish that I used to eat all the time, but it did and I’m glad that I know that now and I can choose the right cheese for my dish whenever I want to make spaghetti and I can decide whether I want to have feta cheese in my spaghetti or cheddar or something else.

Spaghetti with cheese recipe

Another thing that my friend did differently, was to have that cheese on spaghetti. I mean, she put those slices on it like a layer and let it melt on a low heat gas. She didn’t stir or anything for a couple of minutes. And the smell was just wonderful. I’m glad, that I had to see the preparation process myself, because that way I got to know much about making spaghetti, than I would by just listening to the instructions. However, I haven’t prepared spaghetti yet with that recipe. Maybe that’s because it’s spring and many other things, mostly new vegetables are sold in the grocery stores and it’s just not time for spaghetti and stuff like that, but sooner or later I will prepare it, of course, and I think, it will be delicious!

Well, we both ate a lot of spaghetti that day, because it was really good and it was pretty much lot for two people. But it was nice and it was good and, well, I wanted to take some pictures of it (I did took some, actually), but she didn’t want to be on those pictures, (however she still was on those pictures) so I can’t have those pictures, or else I would upload it so that you could see how good the dish was. Or maybe I can just crop them. We’ll see about that.

Preparing spaghetti with cheese myself

This other day I decided to prepare spaghetti with cheese, however, I used this other cheese, it's the one of Sanebo and my sister used to buy this cheese and eat it. So, she had bought this cheese with ham pieces in it. It has a great taste, if you want to know the truth. And I thought, that it would be great with that spaghetti. And, so that, I prepared it and, my sister was there, too, so that we tasted it together. I just loved it, if you want to know the truth, however, she didn't really like it, because she said, that she liked spaghetti with that salty cheese and that she loved when it tasted kind of salty, you know.

So, this other day, I prepared this kind of spaghetti, too, because I just wanted to eat it so much. However, this time I bought this kind of cheese, only this time it was not with ham pieces, rather it was with Ajika. And it tasted pretty good, if you want to know the truth. When I prepared it, I used 200 grams of spaghetti and the half of the cheese and it was pretty delicious. This time me and my brother ate that spaghetti, and he liked it so much, that he ate it all, mostly.

Spaghetti with cheese recipe

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