New potatoes with butter recipe

Published by flag-ge Sal ome — 6 years ago

Blog: Recipes
Tags: Erasmus recipes

New potatoes with butter recipe

The introduction

Hello people, today I want to share another recipe with you that I told you about in another blog. It is the recipe for new potatoes with oil and fennel. Well I prepared that dish today and was pretty pleased to see how delicious it was.

So, I just had these new potatoes that my father had bought the day before and I thought I would make that new potatoes soup that I wrote about in another blog but then I remembered I could prepare this one as many of us like this dish. But I didn't have any herbs so I prepared the potatoes without them, I mean, I just boiled the water and let the potatoes cook until they were ready, and went to the store to buy some fennel. It was very cheap, I must say and that really surprised me.


  • New potatoes, 500 grams or 1 kilogramme
  • Fennel, fresh, chopped, 50 grams
  • Oil or butter
  • Salt to taste

New potatoes with butter recipe

Preparation process

Well the preparation is very easy, as the dish doesn't need many things. It's just the potatoes, fennel, salt and some oil or butter.

First of all, you should know that the potatoes should be good and not damaged or something like that. I chose medium round good ones for the dish and washed them thoroughly and placed them in a saucepan filled with water. I put some salt in it too. I think, it was something like 40 minutes until the potatoes were ready to be taken out of the water. So, how do you know that? Well, you can take a fork and try to get to know whether the potatoes are softer or not. When they are softer you will feel it and you will understand that they are ready for your dish. Otherwise you should put the lid back on and let them cook a while. Usually, they don't take much time to be done.

When the potatoes are ready, you should spill the water out of the saucepanwhere the potatoes were boiled. Remember, that you should spill the water and not take out the potatoes, because that is the perk of it and that is a pretty important step!

New potatoes with butter recipe

One thing that I have not mentioned is that you should prepare fennel until the potatoes are being cooked. So, you just have to chop this fennel and let it dry. This way, when the potatoes are done you can add the fennel to it at once.

When you have spilled the water out and put the fennel into the saucepan, you should not forget to add some oil or butter! That is very important thing. I usually like adding unsweetened butter to my dish, because it becomes very, very delicious with that buttery smell and taste on all over the potatoes. That is just incredible!

Now that you have added everything to the potatoes, it is time to execute the final step of preparing this dish, and as my aunt told me, it is an important step, too. So, you may have wondered why I told you not to take the potatoes out of the water, but to spill it out. Well, as you know, after cooking for some time, the saucepan is hot, here is this steam in it and when you add the fennel and this butter to the potatoes, this steam is still there and then you need to put the lid on the saucepan and move it back and forth or everything to be mixed. That is the way they do it in Georgia, or at least, where I have seen this dish being made. Of course, you can mix them with your hand, too, or with a spoon or whatever, but, still, this is a great way to do that.

New potatoes with butter recipe

My father loves this dish very much and it turns out, my brother loves it, too, because whenever I made this dish and I hoped to eat it, there was nothing left, because he had eaten it all!

So, my aunt was telling me the other day about making this dish and how it’s made and why they love it so much and stuff like that. Well, there’s this village Patardzeuli near our town and that’s where my grandmother is from. She was telling me, that the land they have there is rich and very good for harvesting potatoes, so that they always had some potatoes to eat and they were pretty good. That’s why she knows many different dishes that are prepared with potatoes, I guess. And I should say, that when you surf the Internet and see how many calories 100 grams of potatoes have, you won’t be very worried. And I just want to tell you, that potatoes have a lot of potassium in them and it’s very good for your health to eat them, because potassium is an essential thing in your body and you need it for your body to function. So, believe me when I tell you, that you need to eat some potatoesand they are pretty delicious vegetable, they are not expensive, they are tasty and healthy and there are lots of different recipes to prepare potatoes!

New potatoes with butter recipe

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