Chocolate pound cake

Published by flag-ge Ani Lilucie — 7 years ago

Blog: Travellings
Tags: Erasmus recipes


The introduction

Hello everyone, I hope, that you are all doing just fine!

In this article I want to tell you about this other variation of my pound cake and how to prepare it.


  • 120 grams white granulated sugar
  • 1 envelope baking powder
  •  1 envelope vanilla
  • pinch of salt
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 100 grams NussFit chocolate paste
  • 1 tbs oil
  • 25 grams unsalted butter
  • 25 grams dark chocolate
  • raisins
  • walnuts
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 25 grams Matsoni
  • 300 grams all-purpose flour
  • 50 grams chocolate chips

Preparation process

Well, first of all, I looked for those ingredients, that I would use in my pound cake with chocolate paste. At first, I added 1 and ¾ cup of white granulated sugar into a bowl and added the baking powder and baking soda to it and a pinch of salt. I also added an envelope of vanilla, you know the one, which has sugar powder in it, too, I mean, not the just vanilla.

After that, I had this Nuss-fit chocolate paste on a room temperature and I took about 100 grams of it and put it into a small bowl with heatproof qualities, as it needed to be melted. I also added some chocolate chips to it and 25 grams of unsalted butter and a tbs of oil and melted them together on a low heat gas. You know, I was afraid that the mixture might still get burnt, but it all went alright and it melted well, so that everything was just fine and it only needed some cooling down. When I tasted it, it was pretty sweet, so that I decided that instead of having 200 grams of white granulated sugar, I would have less and I just took 80 grams out of it and left the remaining 120 of sugar in a bowl. Then, while the chocolate paste and butter mixture was still hot, I just added that 120 white granulated sugarin that bowl and mixed them well together, and, in the meantime, some of the sugar dissolved in that mixture, of course, so that it was better, I guess, then waiting for that mixture to cool down to mix it with the sugar in another bowl. Well, of course, it still needed mixing together and stuff like that, however, it was not that bad to mix them in the mixture bowl, either.


So, after that, I just poured this chocolate paste and butter and sugar mixture into the mixing bowl, you know, it’s always good to have a standing mixer with its own bowl and you just turn it on and it goes round and you don’t really have to bother moving the mixer yourself or anything. So I poured the mixture into that bowl and mixed that thing well with the mixer this time, then I added 4 eggs one by one. You know, you shouldn’t beat the eggs directly into the mixture bowl, rather, you should beat them in a separate bowl and then add them to this mixture bowl, because you may not have a good egg or you may not beat it well and you can have the mixture get bad and then you can’t really do anything, but to prepare another mixture, or just stop baking that thing, of course.

Anyways , I added those eggs to the mixture while the mixer mixing it and after that, it was time to add some heavy cream and Matsoni. You know, I had this heavy cream leftover from preparing Tiramisu the other day and that was one of the reasons why I decided to prepare this pound cake, so that I would use up this heavy cream and it wouldn’t get bitter. Well, I poured 1 cup of this heavy cream. It was 38% fat and , well, I couldn’t really find some heavy cream with more fat.  Well, to tell you the truth, this 38% fat is enough, I guess, because preparing Tiramisu with it was just a great idea, because it all came out just as I wanted, I mean, I like Tiramisu to be heavy and not fluffy or something like that and it was exactly that heavy with that heavy cream and mascarpone and everything, if you want to know the truth. So, I used this heavy cream in my chocolate pound cake and it was good in there, too. I also added some Matsoni, I mean, it was not very much or anything, it was just this 25 grams or so. Well, it didn’t really need it, I guess, but adding it makes the cake softer, I guess, or better, because many people in Georgia use Matsoni in their baking and things like that. And it’s a really healthy and great product, if you want to know the truth. So, after mixing all those things together, all I had to do is to add some flour. At first, I added one half of this flour and mixed it with the mixture and then I added the remaining half and mixed it, too, and then I started the mixer and it mixed everything well together for a minute or so.

Now that the dough was ready, I decided to have some chocolate chips and sliced walnuts in it. I also added a pinch of cinnamon and a couple of drops of almond essence. And I added some raisins, too, presoaked in water for some minutes. As I mixed those ingredients with the mixture well, I also turned my halogen oven on on a 250 degrees Celsius, so that it would get preheated.

I also took the baking form for the pound cake, which was with the halogen oven and which is also for cooking some rice and I’ve already tried that and the rice came out pretty great. So , I took some oil and greased this baking form with that oil with this silicon brush and now it was ready for the dough to be put in it. So I poured the dough in it and that was it, it didn’t even need to be spread evenly or anything, because it just naturally spread evenly, if you want to know the truth. Then I put it into my halogen oven on a low rack without the extensor ring and turned the heat down to 170 degrees Celsius. I turned it on 45 minutes, however, I knew, that it wouldn’t be enough, but still, I could just add minutes, if I wanted to, of course. And I had this lid put on that baking form, too, because I was afraid, that the top surface would get more heat than the bottom and the cake wouldn’t be as I wanted it to be.

Well, after 25 minutes or so, I looked at my cake and saw, that the cake was getting bigger and it was kind of pushing the lid from beneath and I just took the lid off of it and took it out. You know, the cake should get doubled in size or something like that and it was kind of like that at that time, so that it was going well, however, I knew, that the bottom wouldn’t be as ready as the top was, so that I decided to have the extensor ring put on this halogen oven, so that the top wouldn’t get dried or burnt or something like that. Well, after that everything went just fine. I checked the cake once after that with a wooden stick and it was nearly ready and I just left it like that for another 10 minutes. So that the whole amount of time, that it needed to get ready was exactly 1 hour, if you want to know the truth. And now that it was done, I could just put it out and wait for it to get colder. It was pretty much interesting how I could take the cake out, because it was my first time preparing this pound cake and, besides, it was in that baking form and I didn’t really know, how to do that thing, however, greasing the form with an oil really helped taking the cake out, if you want to know the truth, because I just turned it upside down and it just came out pretty easily, so that, you should know, that it doesn’t need any effort at all to take the cake out. Well, the cake looked really beautiful, if you want to know the truth and I was very pleased about it, because if it was just as delicious as beautiful it was, that would be just amazing. You know, I didn’t really know which part to be on top and which on the bottom, however, then I decided, that the bottom should be on top, because it was more beautiful, than the other side.


After everything, I decided, that I would have my pound cake decorated and I had this glaze mixture, which was to be prepared and then I would pour it onto this pound cake and it would be white on top and everything. However, the instructions on this glaze mixture was kind of wrong and when I prepared it, I didn’t really like it, so that I didn’t use it as the glaze on my pound cake, however, I had this cacao condensed milk in a package and I decided to have it poured on the cake. So, I poured it and it was pretty beautiful, I must say. Then I added some sugar powder on it and sprinkled some chocolate chips and it was pretty much it and I really liked looking at it, if you want to know the truth. I just really hoped, that it would be very delicious, too.

So , after some time, we decided to cut the cake at last. I took a knife and cut it into some pieces and those pieces were pretty large, if you ask me. And those chocolate chips were all melted and they just looked amazing on those pieces of the cake and when we tasted it, it was really good, I mean, it was moist and soft and those chocolate chips and walnuts and raisins made it really enjoyable and it was just great, I can say. If you love pound cakes, that was almost a perfect one, I guess. To be honest, I kind of didn’t think that the cake would come out that good, I mean, I’m not really great at baking cakes, so that I thought, it wouldn’t be good, either. However, everything went pretty well and I was really happy about that. And people loved my chocolate pound cake and that was just amazing.

You know, I really love cakes with cream filling and, well, I love everything with cream filling, if you want to know the truth, however, these pound cakes I find pretty amazing, too. So, I think, that if I had some cream filling prepared, I would spread it on this pound cake and eat it like that, I mean, that would be just perfect for me, and I usually prepare some cream fillings pretty often, however, this time I wasn’t really up to it and, besides, I didn’t have some butter on a room temperature, you know, you need to have some butter on a room temperature for the cream filling so that you can mix it with the porridge of milk and sugar and flour and that was why I didn’t prepare it, I guess. Anyways, I would love to eat this pound cake with some plain cream filling, and I will consider that the next time I prepare it and you should think about it, too!

Well, I really do recommend preparing this chocolate pound cake, especially if you crave some cocoa and cake and stuff like that, or if you want to amaze your friends and family or anyone else, because it’s really amazing how good it is and everyone would love to eat.


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