Cabbage salad recipe

Published by flag-ge Sal ome — 6 years ago

Blog: Recipes
Tags: Erasmus recipes

Cabbage salad recipe

The introduction

Hey everyone, hope you’re having a good day. Or at least, not a bad one!

Today I want to share a recipe with you that I tasted some days ago. Well, maybe I have tasted it some years ago, but I don’t really remember, as I guess I was a little and I didn’t really liked it much then. But considering our daily calorie intake and the food we eat _ that processed food and other horrible stuff, this dish is very helpful for our digestive system and it helps a lot to feel lighter and healthier.

So, my aunt prepared this dish some days ago. She was fasting and so she thought she would eat it until it was over and she made this dish for us, too, so that everyone could eat it or taste it and to have a healthy dish in the house. Well, I thought it wouldn’t be something fancy or very tasty or stuff like that, but when she handed me the bowl and suggested tasting the dish, I couldn’t say no, so I tasted it. To be honest, I was pretty surprised that this kind of dish could be this delicious. I ate and ate and I couldn’t really stop, because it was so good or there was something strange in it that made me eat it more and more. I guess, it was this vinegar taste that made the dish so want-to-eat-moreable!

And, let me tell you another thing, too, _ if you want to lose weight and want to be on a diet for that, this dish is just perfect for you, because its calories are something like zero no matter how much you eat it and it is healthy and full of vitamins, and vitamin C is pretty much presentin this dish and if you don’t know, I will tell you, that the vitamin C is very good for your weight loss plan and especially for belly fat, so consider everything and think about it.

Cabbage salad recipe


  • Cabbage, new, 1 small
  • Fennel
  • Carrot, 1, small
  • Cucumber, 1, small
  • Vinegar, some drops
  • Oil (optional)

So, as you can see, the ingredients are not much, and I can say that they cost not very much, and so as you can see this dish is just a great thing to prepare.

First of all, I must say, that it’s not really necessary to use these ingredients. There are whole lot of choices you can make upon this dish and you can just chop the cabbage and fennel and that’s it, the dish is ready, and you can not even bother to add these cucumber or carrots or whatsoever, because I’ve eaten just this new cabbage and fennel chopped and sided with vinegar and some oil and that was it _ nothing else _ and the dish was really tasty, and trust me when I say this, because it really was! You may not believe it, even I couldn’t believe it until I tasted it and I was really surprised how good something like that can be.

Cabbage salad recipe

Preparation process

So the preparation process, as you would have already guessed, is very easy and doesn’t take much time. And this all is so satisfying that you will want to make this dish every time.

First of all, you should buy this new cabbage. It is greener and looks fresher than the usual one and it’s not the Chinese one _ the one that is longer. So, the thing is, the new cabbage is softer than the usual cabbage and its taste is a little bit different than the usual one, so that makes the dish lighter and better. Of course you can use the usual cabbage and that’s what many people do when there is no new cabbage, but when there is you should take it! Or you can use this Chinese cabbage. It resembles the new cabbage very much, but is kind of longer and its shape is not really round as the usual cabbage. But it’s soft and great in salads. It has some kind of its own taste, though, I guess, but nothing to be afraid of or something.

So, you should chop this cabbage, and it is totally up to you whether you want to chop it in large or medium or small pieces _ it’s just how you like, so do however you want to do.

Then, you chop the fennel. And you also chop the cucumber. I usually chop the cucumber in those round shapes and they are really thin and then I cut them into halves, too. And then you grate carrot. I think, it’s better when the pieces of carrot are really small, like 0. 5 centimetres or so.

Now, you can mix all those things together and add some oil and vinegar to them, or you can just leave it like that without that stuff.

What about salt? Well, some people like salty stuff, some don’t, and you can decide yourself whether you want the dish with salt or not.

I wonder why they don’t have this salad in supermarkets or some of these places where they sell prepared dishes. They have so many salads and I have not seen this kind of salad anywhere in those places, and I have been to many places like that, I can say.

Cabbage salad recipe

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