Bazhe sauce

Published by flag-ge Sal ome — 5 years ago

Blog: 2017-2018
Tags: Erasmus recipes


The introduction

Hello everyone, I hope, that you are all doing just fine.

In this article I want to tell you about the Bazhe recipe, which is a very easy thing to prepare. Bazhe is a sauce, which Georgians usually prepare and they love it very much. It's a sauce, which goes well with anything, I guess, and usually people eat it with cooked chicken, however, many of them like eating it with only bread and it's very delicious that way, if you want to know the truth.

So, Bazhe is a sauce, and its main ingredient is ground walnuts, however, it also has some other ingredients besides the ground walnuts, which make it taste great. It's an amazing thing, because you can use it as a sauce or in Satsivi, which is another Georgian traditional dish, usually prepared on the New Year, or you can use it in eggplants with walnuts, so that it's a pretty useful thing.

So, let me tell you about the preparation of Bazhe. It's very easy to prepare and it can be pretty much enough for some people, so that you can have it for some time and it doesn’t really get bitter that easily even if you have it on a room temperature and not in the refrigerator.


  • Walnuts, 2 cups
  • Saffron, ground, 1 teaspoon
  • Ground coriander, 1 teaspoon
  • Garlic, 1-2 pieces
  • Pomegranate juice, ½ cup
  • Vinegar, 2 tablespoon
  • Pepper to taste
  • Salt to taste
  • Water or chicken stock


Preparation process

The preparation process starts with the walnuts. If you don’t have them ground, you should grind them. I usually do that in my chopper-blender, however, you can just buy the ground walnuts in the bazaars in Georgia or just buy the walnuts and grind them in a grinder, too. You should be careful not to have some bad walnuts in your dish, because if they are bad, then the Bazhe will have this strange taste, which you won’t really like.

Then there’s this garlic squashing process, which people usually do and they don’t really like that process. You know, they peel the garlic and take one or two pieces of it and have it into a small bowl and they add some salt to the garlic and they have this hammer-like thing and they hit it to the garlic pieces, so that they get squashed after some time of hitting. And you need the salt for the garlic pieces to be still and not to jump all over the places.

After you have squashed the garlic, you can add the ground walnuts and the saffron and coriander to the garlic and mix them together. You know, many people do this thing, where they squash those ingredients together with their bare hands and they do it for quite some time, because they need to squash the walnuts pretty much for it to emit some walnut oil. Well, I used to do that, however, it takes much time and effort, so that I just don’t do that anymore and I just leave the mixture like that. And, besides, it doesn’t really change the taste of the dish for that process to be worth it, if you ask me. And, to be honest, I don’t squash the garlic anymore and I just use the ground garlicif I want to add some of it to the dish. I can’t really take too much garlic in dishes or wherever, because it’s kind of bad for me, so that I don’t usually use it in my dishes and if I use it, I just don’t have it too much in the dishes. And, besides, I just hate that smell which people get when they eat garlic. And in that case, that smell is just everywhere and it’s really unbearable, if you ask me.

Bazhe sauce

Anyways, if you do that thing, when the walnut oil is emitted, people usually then save the oil for the later use.

So, after all of this, you can have the walnut mixture added to the pomegranate juice, or you can just use the vinegar. I usually use the vinegar, because we always have it at home, while I have to buy the pomegranate and then squeeze it to get some pomegranate juice.

After that, you can add the water to the mixture. It should be a boiled cold water and you can add it as much as you want to, because some people like the Bazhe sauce to be a little bit thick and some like it not that thick and they prefer it to be mostly water, I guess. and, of course, if you want to use this Bazhe sauce in Satsivi dish, then it shouldn’t be very thick and, vice versa, if you want to use it in the eggplants with walnuts, you should have it pretty thick.

Well, this was about the Bazhe sauce, which is a pretty easily preparable sauce and, besides, it’s very delicious. you can have it as a dish or as a sauce and you can use it in every situation. It’s good without anything and it’s good with fried potatoes, spaghetti, buckwheat, fish, cooked chicken or even just some bread. People really love it here, and they eat the Bazhe sauce with Mchadi in the western Georgia mainly, which is a pretty good decision, too. It’s just that the walnuts cost a little bit expensive, however, the Bazhe sauce doesn’t really need too much walnuts, so that you can just buy some of them, which won’t cost you much.

There’s another thing, that I should tell you. If you don’t want to do all those things and spend some time doing them, you can just buy the Bazhe sauce prepared. I mean, they now have those packed Bazhe sauces in the supermarkets and it’s a dry ingredients thing and then you can just pour some water on them and the Bazhe sauce is ready! One pack just costs about 3 Laris, so that it’s not very expensive and it’s ready in a couple of minutes or even seconds, so that it’s a great thing when you just want to have a Bazhe sauce in that very moment or if you have some unexpected guests coming to your home. You can always have that packed Bazhe in your refrigerator and use it whenever you need to. So that, you can just have that already prepared Bazhe sauce and not bother preparing it yourself.


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