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  - 33 opinions

Activity in Kortrijk

  • Roommate

    20 year old girl looking for accommodation in Kortrijk First Semester

    Hello! Im a psychology student from Spain, Murcia and Im writing this because I need urgently some place to stay during 5 months (september-january), for my first semester in Vives University. Please, it would be great to find some help here as Im not finding many info...

    in Roommates Kortrijk, 8 months ago
  • Roommate

    I am looking for a room and roommate in Kortrijk

    Hi there! I am from Turkey and I am 22 years old. I am going to the Erasmus at VIVES University in Kortrijk. I am looking for a room or dorm and roommates. I will stay there at least from September to January. I speak English and Turkish. Let me know if you are...

    in Roommates Kortrijk, one year ago
  • Roommate

    Chica de 20 años busca piso para entrar en septiembre

    Hi, I'm a girl from Córdoba and next year I'm going to VIVES in Kortrijk and I'm looking for a room from September to the end of January. I am very tidy and studious, although I also really enjoy the plans in common with my roommates. I don't have any kind of roommate...

    in Roommates Kortrijk, one year ago
  • Forum

    Erasmus Kortrijk 2022 / 2023 (English)

    Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Kortrijk 2022 / 2023! This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Kortrijk in 2022 / 2023 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the...

  • Roommate

    22 year old Student looking for a room in Kortrijk or Zwevegem

    I'm a 22 year old french student who is coming for an internship for 6 months. I'm someone funny,  positive and curious to discover this new city and new people ! My hobbies are the sport (handball more specifically), the music and the trips. I'm looking for some funny...

    in Roommates Kortrijk, 3 years ago
  • Roommate

    21 year old Student looking for a room in and around Kortrijk (Sept - Feb.22)

    As a exchange student I am looking for a room to rent in or near Kortrijk for 6 Months. (Sept. -Feb. ) I am very open, friendly, reliable and tidy - if you have a room or know of one it would be great if you could contact me. Looking forward hearing from you Thanks in...

    in Roommates Kortrijk, 3 years ago
  • Forum

    Erasmus Courtrai 2021 / 2022 (Español)

    Hey there!! I´m Claudia! I will be studying in September 2021 in Kortrijk, Belgium. I would love to meet people! Someone going to the Kortrijk Uptok? I will be stuying Journalism in Howest

  • Forum

    Erasmus Kortrijk 2021 / 2022 (English)

    Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Kortrijk 2021 / 2022! This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Kortrijk in 2021 / 2022 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the...

  • Experience

    Experience in Kortrijk, Belgium by Francoise

    What is it like to live in Kortrijk? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? As I was born and raised in Kortrijk, I will always have a certain love for that town. But I left Kortrijk about 30 years ago, therefore it is very difficult for me to give any kind of...

  • Experience

    Experience in Kortrijk, Belgium by Mathieu

    What is it like to live in Kortrijk? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? Kortrijk is a nice and beautiful city. It isn't big and is not extremely famous, but everyone I know who went there has fallen in love with the city. This is probably because it is a...

  • Forum

    Erasmus Kortrijk 2020 / 2021 (English)

    Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Kortrijk 2020 / 2021! This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Kortrijk in 2020 / 2021 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the...

  • Roommate

    Dutch Finance Student looking for room in/near Kortrijk

    Hard working finance student who is doing an internship at Van den Avenne commodities in Kortrijk... Looking for a room with as much privacy as possible so my focus can be on my internship.

    in Roommates Kortrijk, 5 years ago
  • Experience

    My Erasmus Experience in Courtrai, Belgium by Matthew

    Why did you choose to go to Courtrai, Belgium? For an internship in automation. How long did your grant last you? How much did you receive? It lasted 10 weeks. Source How's the student life in Courtrai? There is a very good atmosphere, many activities await you. Would...

  • Roommate

    31 years old girl with 2 cats, searching for accommodation in Kortrijk

    My name is Sara, I'm 31 years old and I'm from Portugal. I was accepted to enrol into Howest University to study Game development. I live in Belgium for 3 years and I speak a bit dutch. I'm moving from Antwerp to Kortrijk and I have an income of 900€ from Belgium and...

    in Roommates Kortrijk, 5 years ago
  • Roommate

    20 years old indian looking for acconmodation in Kortrijk

    I am a student and in need of accommodation at the peaceful and green place in Kortrijk. I can adjust while sharing with others. No special requirements. But if there can be a negotiation for prices it will be great. I do not have any pets and I also don't stay out in...

    in Roommates Kortrijk, 6 years ago
  • Forum

    Erasmus Kortrijk 2019 / 2020 (English)

    Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Kortrijk 2019 / 2020! This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Kortrijk in 2019 / 2020 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the...

  • Roommate

    I'm looking for a roomate in Kortrijk

    Hi, my name is Juan Guillen, I'm studying in Kortrijk at Digital Art and Entertainement and I'm looking for a room, anykind of room near the DAE building, I speak spanish french and english, I'm tidy and a nice person. I would like to share a room with people so I can...

    in Roommates Kortrijk, 6 years ago
  • Forum

    Erasmus Kortrijk 2018 / 2019 (English)

    Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Kortrijk 2018 / 2019! This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Kortrijk in 2018 / 2019 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the...

  • Forum

    Erasmus Kortrijk 2017 / 2018 (English)

    Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Kortrijk 2017 / 2018! This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Kortrijk in 2017 / 2018 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the...

  • Experience

    Erasmus Experience in Kortrijk, Belgium by Anni

    Source Why did you choose to go to Kortrijk, Belgium? I originally wanted to go to the Netherlands so I could learn Dutch, but the places were already taken so I chose Kortrijk as the only Dutch-speaking city left. How long is the scholarship? How much money do you...

  • Experience

    Erasmus Experience in Kortrijk, Belgium by Borbála

    Why did you choose to go to Kortrijk, Belgium? Beacuse of the study programme they offered called SPACE: social pedagogical art and creativity expression. How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs? It lasts till the last...

  • Roommate

    22 year old male. looking for accomondation in Kortrijk

    Hello my name is Kaan Kor. I'm from Istanbul/Turkey. I'll be studying Industrial design at Howest West-Flanders. I'm looking for accommodation in Kortrijk for the second semester of 2015/2016.  I do speak English . I would like to spend erasmus the best way i can and...

    in Roommates Kortrijk, 9 years ago
  • Roommate

    26 year old girl form Hungary looking for accomodation in Kortrijk from February 2016

    Hey :) I'm a 26 year old Social Education student from Hungary. I'm going to study Art Therapy in Kortrijk from February 2016 where I am looking for a room. I like to have fun with others sometimes, but I also need time on my own as well. I would like to have my own...

    in Roommates Kortrijk, 9 years ago
  • Roommate

    Looking for accomodation in Kortrijk

    My name is David Olivares, I'm from mexico and I'm looking for accommodation in Kortrijk for the first semester of 2016 (starting 1 February 2016) I'll be studying Industrial design at Howest West-Flanders. I can speak Spanish and English. I'm looking forward to meet...

    in Roommates Kortrijk, 9 years ago
  • Forum

    Erasmus Kortrijk 2016 / 2017 (English)

    Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Kortrijk 2016 / 2017! This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Kortrijk in 2016 / 2017 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the...

  • Experience

    Erasmus Experience in Kortrijk, Belgium by Beatriz

    Source What is the student lifestyle like in Kortrijk? We don't have much places to go out, so, the most of the students go to another cities to enjoy the night life, like Gent (The student city). Summing up, we don't have a lot to do as students in this city, but what...

  • Roommate

    Looking for accomodation in Kortrijk

    My name is Agustín, I´m from Valencia (Spain). I´m looking for accomodation in Kortrijk for the second term of the course 2015/2016. I will study Industrial Design at Gent University Campus Kortrijk. I would like to meet lots of new people and have an amazing...

    in Roommates Kortrijk, 9 years ago
  • Experience

    Experience in Kortrijk, Belgium by Louise

    What is it like to live in Kortrijk? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? It is a rather smaller city, but everything you need is there. I would recommend people be open and social. It is very nice, that if you go out, you will probably meet the same people...

  • Forum

    Mas gente para Kortrijk!

    YO en principio no me apunte al curso de flemish pero me mandaron un mail hace un par de dias y me he apuntado pero todavia tiene que mandarlo firmado los de mi oficina de erasmus asi que no se si lo enviarán a tiempo pero en principio espero entrar porque me dijeron...

  • Forum

    Mas gente para Kortrijk!

    Nosotros somos 2, de Valladolid, estudiamos informática de sistemas, y bueno, nos vamos con sólo el proyecto así que lo nuestro es un poco distinto ya que no iremos a la universidad a clase, sino a hablar con el tutor de proyecto que nos asignen. Creo que iremos el...

  • Forum

    Mas gente para Kortrijk!

    Hola a todos! A ver yo he estado un poco desconectado del tema erasmus porque me voy en el segundo cuatrimestre! pero ahora que me toca organizarme estoy mirandolo todo otra vez! Yo soy de madrid de la autonoma y me cogi la unica plaza que habia asi que estoy acojonado...

  • Forum

    Mas gente para Kortrijk!

    Hola peopleeeeeeeeeeee! qué tal el veranito? Siento no contestar antes, pero bueno, han sido las fiestas en Valladolid y lo que más le apetece a uno en dichas fechas es estar to el día de fiesta, y así ha sido... Aún no hemos hablado con la chica de nuestra carrera...

  • Forum

    Mas gente para Kortrijk!

    Pues en cuanto sepáis algo mas o hableis con la muxaxa avisadnoooos! que akí en Grana no nos dan ninguna informacion d na y tp nos han puesto n contacto con gnt d años anteriores! Así vemos qué es mejor cogerse o nooo no? porque realmente a nosotras nos molaria mas...

  • Forum

    Mas gente para Kortrijk!

    ¿Eso Garrosa sabe mejor como va? Jajajajaja, ni que fuera un experto en Kortrijk, jajaja... por lo que hemos visto por ahí, es lo que ha contado Sastre, pero de todas formas estamos a ver si quedamos con una chavala de nuestra uni que ha estado allí este año pasado,...

  • Forum

    Mas gente para Kortrijk!

    Lo de las clases de flamenco por supuesto que sí! Según tenemos entendido, te dan 200 euros por hacer el curso si apruebas el examencillo final, y además es el punto de encuentro para conocer al resto de Erasmus y ya empezar a organizar las fiestas jajaja (que ganas...

  • Forum

    Mas gente para Kortrijk!

    Eeeeeeei! que es eso de los kots! que es la primera vz q lo escuxooo! oye y vosotrs tb vais con las clases en flamenco? jajajaja

  • Forum

    Mas gente para Kortrijk!

    ¡Wolas a tod@s! ¡Qué ganas de pirarnos de Erasmuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuus! Yo soy el colega de Sastre, y la última vez que hablé con el profe que lo lleva me dijo que con calma, que hasta noviembre que cierran el plazo hay tiempo de sobra, jajajaja... ¡Así que nada, a...

  • Forum

    Mas gente para Kortrijk!

    Pues no, aún no he hecho ningún papeleo jaja, y mi compañero anda igual xD. Nos dijo el profesor de Erasmus que si íbamos el segundo cuatrimestre que lo hiciésemos en septiembre con tranquilidad... aún tenemos que mirar lo del alojamiento, si vamos a los kots esos...

  • Forum

    Mas gente para Kortrijk!

    Eiiiiiiiiiiiiii! Acabo de ver un correo no deseado de Erasmusu! que hac emil que no recibía! Pue encantá de conoceeer gente que ha elegido ese fabuloso destino tan conocido por todos como es Kortrijk! JAJAJA Tu también vas pal segundo cuatri no? y has exo ya algún...

  • Forum

    Mas gente para Kortrijk!

    Por supuesto, yo voy con un compañero el segundo cuatrimestre, pero no estaría mal entrar en contacto antes. Un saludoooo!

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