Erasmus Experience in Kortrijk, Belgium by Beatriz
What is the student lifestyle like in Kortrijk?
We don't have much places to go out, so, the most of the students go to another cities to enjoy the night life, like Gent (The student city). Summing up, we don't have a lot to do as students in this city, but what counts is the experience! And the country it's really beautiful and it's really easy to travel to another cities or even to another country!
What is the food like?
The food it's weird, I'm portuguese so there aren't another food like ours.
How much does it cost to live in Kortrijk?
Around 250 € to 400 €, it depends on the type of the house and how long you are staying.
And for eating? Can you recommend some good restaurants in Kortrijk?
Paul's is the best restaurant in the city, it's cheaper and really good.
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Comments (2 comments)
I studie in Kortrijk and in my experience there are a lot of places to go out, not so many as in Ghent, but you can still go out. Every thursday there are parties in 't Kanon (a café close to the carrefour) and, den chips (a café close to Vives) and De zweetkelder (a place close to the Kulak). On tuesdays you can go to 't kanon and some studentclub will organize a party. On mondays you can go to 't bunkertje (a café close to Howest),etc. If you have trouble finding places to go out, send me a message and I will help you. Btw what is wrong with our food?
Liesbeth, I don't know there are so many places to go out there! But yes I went to t'Kanon, or Den Trap and it's good, but I don't know, even the students there don't go out so much. In my point of view, maybe it's not like that! I'm sorry, but your food is all fried! You have a typical plate with meat and some brown sauce, and even that for me it's weird, but it's my opinion. Maybe the other erasmus students liked the food, I'm weird too with the food :)