Terri Hg

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flag-us Terri Hg

Current city:
Downers Grove
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Terri activity

  • Experience

    Experience in Downers Grove, United States by Terri

    What is it like to live in Downers Grove? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? Downers Grove is a quiet neighborhood. It has a hospital, stores, gas station, etc.--everything you need. It also has public transportation but it is not very good. Downers Grove...

  • Experience

    Experience in Paris, France by Terri

    What is it like to live in Paris? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? Some find Paris a wonderful place and some find Paris a horrible place in which to live. All say it's beautiful. The transportation is unmatched. Living in Paris is possible if you "live...

  • Experience

    Experience in Chicago, United States by Terri

    What is it like to live in Chicago? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? No. I would not recommend living in Chicago. There are some nice places but there are some really bad places. Unless you are a college student and spend most of the time at a...

  • Roommate

    Young at Heart and Ready to Retire

    I am 59.  I am young at heart.  I love pets.  I am looking to retire in Paris. I live in a close suburb of Chicago called Downers Grove.  I studied at the Sorbonne and lived in Paris for 1 year.  I am semi-fluent in French.  (It's been a long time)  I just came...

    in Roommates Paris, 5 years ago

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