Fabiano Soares
- Current city:
- Hamburg
- City of birth:
- Rio de Janeiro
- Host university:
- Home university:
- KU
Fabiano activity
Experience in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil by Fabiano
What is it like to live in Rio de Janeiro? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? I Recommend, Rio is a great place to bring together studies and leisure, a great time and place to be young. Source What is the student lifestyle like in Rio de Janeiro? The...
Experience in Leuven, Belgium by Fabiano
Source What is it like to live in Leuven? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? I totally recommend! Leuven is a vibrant city, there's no nationality you can't find there, the university is great. The city literally lives around the university and because of...
Experience in Hamburg, Germany by Fabiano
What is it like to live in Hamburg? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? Everything works perfectly, transport, public services, etc. But if you're from a developing country, or you are not blonde, you'll feel very different from the second you open your mouth...